Brightness that reflects the light of its protection well above the Earth. She watches, the eye that crosses the darkness, and listens with the ears of birds and beasts that use the darkness to hunt. As Queen of the Night, she is known; the Queen of the Night, Awilix.
They say that the sun is their lover, and from its light it shines, but those who say that never contemplated it. When free, the sun plagues the flesh, punishes the earth and blinds the eyes. Moonlight does not do such things. Like delicate petals it envelops the night, bringing the world into mystical enlightenment. It never brought calamity or ruin, just the chance to see what could not be seen. It is no different. Its mysterious aura does not need anyone to shine.
On these days, the night is less welcome. The loyal followers, the jaguars, who roar quietly in their domain, answer his call. While, undoubtedly, beyond mortal understanding, that same moonlight is threatened. A war like no other can end it all. For the first time the moonlight will shine through terrors and sorrows, as the night belongs to Awilix.
Appearance: They are very dark and have a well-defined body, they choose to wear garments similar to indigenous ones.
Personality: They are outgoing and sociable and spend most of their time in contact with nature.
Passive Powers
Spear Skill
Awilix's son has a high spear handling. In addition, he is totally adept at making incredible and unusual maneuvers with it, and can even throw it at his opponents.
Level 01-20: Even though he is new to the camp, the demigod has a high skill that lets him know the basic use of a spear, unlike other campers. Every spear that the same handles, acquires the resistance of iron, even though it was made of more fragile materials, the cut manages to overcome such materials as well.
Levels 21-40: Awilix's son is now able to make more difficult movements by adapting bruschiness already with the spear, even if they are still early. The resistance becomes steel, as well as the cut.
Levels 41-60: Your character manages to throw the spear at the opponent with certain skill, in addition to obtaining high control with the spear, being able to perform all the precise movements without expending part of his energy. The resistance becomes titanium, as well as the cut.
Levels 61-80: Now the demigod has discovered all the tricks and privileges exercised by the skill with the spear, being able to control it perfectly, as well as having the ability to make impossible moves with it. The resistance becomes diamond, as well as the cut.
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Ethereal Step
The offspring are able to hide their presence freely at night, thus going unnoticed by most living beings at night
Levels 01-10: The offspring is able to reduce the sound emitted when moving considerably, so as not to be heard by most living beings with common hearing, managing to go unnoticed sonically
Levels 11-25: Awilix's children at this level are able to control their scent as well, thus barely emitting any scent, making it harder than usual to track their scent
Levels 26-35: From this level they are able to completely prevent the emission of sound and cannot be heard. They also start to hide their temperature slightly, so that it cannot be easily felt by other beings
Levels 36-50: At this level Awilix's children are able to prevent their body from generating any kind of smell. It also becomes more difficult to track because of its temperature, making it incredibly difficult to track in this way. From this level, the offspring can, by remaining immobile, acquire a certain level of camouflage, making it difficult for them to be seen, like a chameleon.
Levels 50-99: Upon reaching this level the offspring are able to hide their aura, complicating the tracking through it, making it almost impossible to track Awilix's son through his presence
Levels 100-150: At this level, the offspring becomes practically undetectable, and it is almost impossible to be tracked by magic too (at lower levels). When you reach this level, your camouflage is also almost perfect, making it practically impossible to see it when you are standing still.
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Lunar Absorption
Level 30: From an early age the Awilix offspring have a differentiated body from other beings, having the ability to absorb energy from the stars and moon for themselves (during the night), increasing their physical capacities to extreme levels. As long as the offspring absorb star or lunar energy, their powers cannot be canceled or deactivated, as they will be receiving energy constantly.
Note: This absorption works only at night.
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Hunter Skills
Awilix having a Jaguar and an eagle as his divine animal, his children have hunting and tracking skills like no one else.
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Level 01-10: In the beginning, the offspring of the night goddess does not have much experience, however he will be able to find and follow visible tracks and observe small details that would normally have gone unnoticed.
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Level 11-25: Now, the more experienced the demigod will be able to extend the range of his hearing, being able to hear very low sounds like light steps and breathing.
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Level 26-35: Not all fighters flee, some of them fight. Thus, when coming into conflict with hunting, the demigod 3 times in combat may counter-attack a hunting attack. If he is hit by the hunting attack, he can immediately counterattack and return a fair amount of damage to it. If he managed to dodge the attack, counterattacking will do twice as much normal damage.
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Level 36-50: The demigod, once it has found its target, will not let it escape easily. He will begin to chase his target, and his speed will slowly increase until he is able to reach his target or he even loses track.
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Level 51-99: At this level, the demigod will be able, from some information about his target, to predict how he will behave or behave, thus being able to set traps for him.
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Refined Senses in the Dark
Your character has heightened senses at night or in very dark places, becoming the perfect warrior in these conditions, due to the link with the jaguars, or jaguars.
Level 01-10: Their irises are enlarged, increasing focus, and consequently the distance they can see, as well as great night vision. By getting your ears sharp, you can sense movement up to 50 meters.
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Level 11-25: His iris focuses so that the demigod has a detailed view of things in the distance (100 meters). You can already see the different movements around you.
Level 26-35: The view of the half blood becomes very accurate, making it see people hidden among foliage. The character starts to acquire an almost infallible hearing, being audible to movements of minimum details in up to 200 meters.
Level 36-50: Your vision and hearing are now even better, managing to perceive everything in an area of up to 400 meters. You can hear an ant walk and see animals the size of a flea.
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Night Speed
Awilix offspring have superhuman capabilities, being able to run at speeds that exceed normal campers.
Level 01-10:: They are already able to move at 150 km / h. Being able to run 250 km / h at night.
Level 11-25: They are now able to move at 250 km / h. Managing to run 350 km / h at night.
Level 26-35: They are already able to move at 350 km / h. Being able to run 450 km / h at night.
Level 36-50: They are already able to move at 450km / h. Reaching 550km / h at night.
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Awilix is portrayed with a certain link to the underworld and death, so her offspring inherit great immunities.
Level 01-20: Initially, the Awilix offspring acquire Immunity to poisons, diseases (viruses, bacteria, etc.). Your body is resistant to exposure to radiation (at medium levels).
Level 21-40: Your body already shows physiological immunity, not needing to eat, sleep, breathe (it may even survive in a vacuum) and etc. Being able to do these due actions and interactions whenever you want.
Level 41-60: He already demonstrates a physical resistance able to withstand physical blows that affect his external, such as punches capable of destroying steel or perforations and 3rd degree burns.
Level 61-80: Your body is shown to be immune to climate change, managing to survive in any type of environment, territory, dimension or reality without being affected by the harms it brings physiologically to individuals. Being able to swim in a larva volcano without being burned and melted (but not for long), or being underwater for days without drowning, etc.
Level 81-100: Your body shows resistance to spiritual attacks, such as exposure of the soul to pagan flames or spiritual weapons and etc. (they are still able to die before them, but their soul is more resistant).
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Obscure Recovery
For being offspring of the night, moon, underworld and death, when you are in dark, cold places or even at night, your regeneration will be amplified.
Levels 01-10: Awilix's offspring can reduce their pain, in addition to regenerating minor wounds quickly.
Levels 11-25: Regeneration now increases, which can regenerate deeper wounds. It can also alleviate illnesses in general.
Levels 26-35: Its physical regeneration is semi-perfect, being able to restore light, deep cuts, and even burns.
Levels 36-50: Now even very serious burns will be healed, in addition to internal and external wounds being healed with extreme ease.
Levels 51-99: As long as you are in an extremely dark place, your body will be as tough as a diamond. Thus, it is extremely difficult to hurt Awilix's offspring.
Levels 100-150: While in a cold place, your body will be tough like diamond. Thus, it is extremely difficult to hurt Awilix's offspring.
Levels 151-200: While at night, your body will be as tough as diamond. Thus, it is extremely difficult to hurt the offspring.
Levels 201-250: Now your energy will also be restored almost immediately.
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Faithful companion
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As soon as they are claimed, the children of Awilix receive a baby Jaguar or Eagle, which will evolve with the demigod, becoming his faithful companion, and can be used in battle or in flight. It can even be transmuted into a copy of your animal.
Levels 01-20: The demigod begins a light training with his animal that is still a puppy. With that, she will be able to understand him perfectly, in addition to imposing orders that are easy to handle. It is worth mentioning that the animal is still too young to be used in attacks. The demigod will create claws in place of your nails for a few minutes - whether they are from Jaguar or Eagle, and thus you will be able to make an almost deep cut that draws strength from your opponent, cut fragile metals and wood in general.
Levels 21-40: Your pet has spent a good deal of time with part of the training, being able to help the offspring in their combined attacks, generally more used for the main defense of the offspring. You can mimic yourself as your pet, making some combined attacks that do not require much effort or an improved stunt. Lasts for five shifts.
Levels 41-60: The creature starts to acquire twice its size, enough to carry out more precise attacks and so that the demigod can move with it, being able to fly with the falcon. Now the demigod will be able to mimic the animal in its large version, being able to carry out attacks combined with a better improvement.
Level 61-80: Now your faithful companion can not only help you escape, but as his resistance is similar to titanium, he can help the demigod in many ways, and when both use combined attacks, their speed increases twice.
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Shadow Travel
Awilix was the queen of the night, her offspring can quickly travel between the shadows quickly and effectively. It is as if it "fell" into the shadow, reappearing in a desired location.
Levels 01-10: It is necessary that the shadow is minimally the size of the semi-primordial body, and that it be from an external source (it cannot travel using the shadow itself). You can travel as far as your eyes can see.
Levels 11-25: You can now use small shadows that cover at least the feet of the offspring. The trip can cover distances up to 500 meters. The offspring must know where they are going.
Levels 26-35: You can use your own shadow for the trip, being able to travel up to 1km. You need to concentrate and know the exact location of where you are going. You can take Pets with you, and small objects.
Levels 36-50: You can take and send pets and medium sized items on your travels, you can also take up to two people with you.
Levels 51-99: Your trip is perfect, amplifying your own shadow, able to take anyone under the shade. In addition to being able to travel from city to city, needing to have the same in your mind, being able to take up to 4 people with you, and large objects.
Levels 100-150: You can now travel from state to state.
Level 151-200: You can travel anywhere on earth.
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Active Powers
As Awilix is queen of the night and goddess of the moon, her children are thus able to manipulate and absorb the lunar energy and even the brightness of the moon.
Levels 01-20: You can manipulate the lunar light close to you freely, distorting it with some difficulty. Its manipulation is small and it can create small objects made of the energy of the moon, besides being able to gather the energy in up to five luminous spheres of about five centimeters and launch them as bursts against its opponents, causing burns and medium external damage reaching up to twenty meters of away from you. They can also create an “aura” of light to reduce the effect of dark attacks (from lower levels). They can only use their menecinesis while the moon is under the sky. The use of hands is necessary for manipulation.
Level 21-40: They are able to blur someone's vision due to the distortion of the energy light, also being able to deflect the light from themselves, gaining a natural invisibility. They can also become light for three rounds, thus becoming intangible beings, that is, they become immune to physical blows and can pass through solid objects not very large. It can also absorb lunar energy (including the brightness of the moon), thus recovering its energies, taking full advantage of the light and its energy. The use of hands is necessary for manipulation.
Level 41-60: Acquires the ability to generate moonlight, also managing to create larger, medium-sized things. It can generate enough lunar light to illuminate a home, and can now make up to three people invisible to itself while they are being touched by the offspring. It can also make the energy and lunar light solid and lively, being able to create whips and tentacles between different forms with its light. Now the aura generated by Awilix's offspring causes the effect of dark attacks to be drastically reduced (From beings with a lower level). The use of hands is necessary for manipulation.
Level 61-90: Your form of light now remains for much longer (5 rounds in a row) and can also only partially change into light. You can also control the light to a much greater degree, now being able to manipulate the light of an entire village without difficulty. Their bursts are now more powerful and larger, and can create up to ten of them. The use of hands is necessary for manipulation.
Level 91-120: From this level it starts to create a small moon under the place, completely preventing the view of any being in this area. The moon is the size of a building, and in addition to radiating a lot of lunar light, it can be used as a direct attack, being launched against an opponent. They can also involve weapons and objects with a luminous aura, being able to move them at distances only with thoughts, also managing from this level to affect light immune (From lower levels.). The use of hands is no longer necessary.
Level 121-150: You will now be able to direct the power of reflection, being able to use it only to 'reflect' techniques you have seen, copying them. This copy is not perfect and needs training, in addition to being applied only to physical skills, it cannot be used for magic.
Level 151-200: Reach the peak of your skill, now having perfect control under the energy and light of the moon creating from small things to huge things. You have total control in the exchange between your light form and your physical form, being able to change your will without time limit.
Mini Star
The offspring of Awilix is able to create a mini moon in his hand, where he can use it to maintain his powers if he is in places where there is no moonlight, and can also launch this mini moon on his opponents as a form of attack.
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Level 30-60: The moon is up to 5 meters.
Level 61-90: The star is up to 20 meters.
Level 91-120: The star is up to 40 meters.
Level 121-150: The star is up to 60 meters.
Level 151-180: The star is up to 90 meters.
Level 181-200: The star has up to 100 meters.
Note: 3 times per event.
Gravity Manipulation
Due to the lunar bond that Awilix's offspring have, they are able to create and manipulate gravity, one of the fundamental forces of nature, and gravitons, which are hypothetical particles that transmit the force of gravity on bodies. With this capacity, it can cause an entire area determined by it to have a lighter gravitational force, causing all the bodies present to float, or heavier, making movement difficult or impossible. It can control the area in which the altered gravity acts, and can make gravity light or heavy around a single body instead of engulfing an entire area. With the control of the gravitational force, the user is able to attract and repel matter and energy, which is an advantage both offensively and defensively.
Level 01-20: The offspring are capable of controlling the gravity of an area of up to 50 square meters.
Level 21-40: The area now expands to 100 square meters.
Level 41-60: The area changes to 200 meters.
Level 61-90: Controls an area of up to 400 square meters.
Level 91-120: The area expands to 800 square meters.
Level 121-150: Now controls an area of up to 1600 square meters.
Level 151-200: The area increases to 3200 square meters.
Level 201-250: Controls an area of up to 6400 square meters.
Shadow prison
Level 01-10: The offspring of Awilix is able to manifest chains and ropes from their own shadow that will go to the shadow of their opponent within a radius of 10 m. If you catch him, you can force your opponent to make all the moves you make. This ability consumes a large part of your energy, and your opponent can resist this technique. (this ability works for 60 seconds)
Level 11-25: Now the ability becomes resistant, managing to cover an area of 20 m. The ability forces your opponent to make the same moves as you do but the ability still consumes a large part of your energy. (Works for a 5 minutes)
Level 26-35: Now the offspring is able to cover an area of 30 meters with this ability, she at that level does not consume much energy, not leaving the demigod tired. The offspring is able to materialize a big hand that when catching the camper will crush you. (The skill works for 10 minutes)
Level 36-50: Awilix's offspring are able to abrade an area of up to 40 meters, at this level you can only make your opponent make moves that you want. At this level, you can send information (which would be what you want your opponent to do) to your opponent's shadow and then force him to do what he wants, even if it is using his demigod skills. (The opponent can resist this ability by requiring a lot of effort from the demigod.) Already running for 15 minutes.
Level 50-99: Now being able to catch your opponent in a good way, being able to force him to do anything he can do in up to 20 minutes.
Note: This ability can only be used 3 times per event or saga.
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Dark Manipulation
Ability to create or manipulate darkness and shadows, manipulating it in general.
Level 01-10: Can manipulate the shadow itself, increasing it, decreasing it, making different movements and creating small objects with it (such as knives, etc.). It can produce up to 5 black spheres of 15 centimeters, which can reach a target up to 25 meters away, causing burns and medium internal damage to the victim's body. He can take any source of darkness around him and cover himself, leaving his clothes, hair and eyes black, and he is wrapped in a kind of shadow cocoon that allows him to resist 30% of the damage they cause. The offspring, in addition to being able to absorb the darkness and shadows around them, is capable of producing a dark gust that travels up to 25 meters. You can take the shadows around you and use them as an energy source to heal wounds and cuts (not deep cuts),
Level 11-25: Your character can camouflage himself in the dark and paralyze a person, "holding" his shadow; can paralyze people by freezing their shadows giving them the same effect. In addition to being able to transmute your body in shadows for a few minutes, thus crossing solid objects of a maximum of 5 meters in length or walls up to 4 centimeters in thickness. With this ability it is also possible to be immune to physical attacks. He manages to blend his body into the shadows and thus appear elsewhere, however, he has to mentally know where he will teleport to. You can teleport at a distance of up to 25 km. Now being able to create constructs of shadows and darkness perfectly. The offspring of Erebus is capable of creating up to 10 tentacles of dark energy,
Level 26-35: Has the ability to generate, control and manipulate the shadow, forming different shapes and making it rigid, in addition to merging the shadow, making it invisible and leaving a totally dark environment. Now it manages to produce 10 black spheres of 15 centimeters, which can reach a target up to 55 meters away. Your shadow cocoon is able to suck 50% of the damage it tries to do to you. Your healing becomes capable of healing serious injuries by taking a few minutes to heal completely.
Level 36-50: Can teleport at a distance of 45 km. Their intangibility becomes even more lasting, managing to pass through any solid and physical object. Now being able to summon 20 tentacles that can chase multiple targets at the same time, your cloning ability expands to 5 clones of yourself and they can use the same skills as you. Its shadow manipulation rises, releasing dark bursts and having more volatile control of the shadows, managing to telekinetically manipulate weapons around it.
Level 50-99: Being able to teleport through the shadows (up to 65 km) and also ends up receiving another effect, the shadows can move this person, he can now show some signs of the shadows on him. Now being able to control the shadows in a perfect way, having total mastery of this ability, he is able to subdue large amounts of light with his shadows, being able to increase his control for control over darkness, invoking the same ones from the underworld.
Level 100-150: As the biggest shadow dominator now manages to make perfect projections, he can even make his shadow a copy of himself by putting it into combat, in addition to being able to mimic himself in a shadow form for almost unlimited time.
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Awilix had not only ties to the night and the moon, but also to death, disease and the underworld. Thus, their offspring inherit the ability to deal with necromancer art, which they can use for various purposes.
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Level 01-10: Initially the Awilix offspring acquire the ability to converse with the dead, and may also be able to clearly visualize the spiritual plane. It may even be able to interact with the beings that live there, this capacity expands to be able to conjure the dead to life, being a kind of living dead (zombies) that follows their wishes, limited to just 5 living dead, being any type of unless you're in the veil. (This ability extends to demigods, monsters, etc., but it is necessary that they died in the same event or saga.)
Level 11-25: Having already had a good experience with the spiritual world, the offspring is able to redirect, now being able to feel their regrets, their hurts, being able, through physical touch, or spiritual (through the soul) to see their memories when he was still alive, thus being able to know sometimes important things, his ability to conjure the living dead increases to 15, now he can equip them with weapons, and he can even restructure damaged parts (such as spinal columns, develop the legs, etc.).
Level 26-35: Awilix's demigod now becomes able not only to summon as many dead as she desires, but to be able to summon both vengeful and good spirits (ghosts) and use them for various purposes, being able to give them orders whatever they are they are, being able to order that it possesses its adversary among several other ends. (Of course, only lower level opponents.)
Level 36-50: Being able to know when someone died, being able to predict 3 minutes of the future, thus knowing what will happen within that period of time easily. At this level, your undead can acquire intelligence, not only that it can even generate a zombie apocalypse, being able to conjure a dead person and then spread death everywhere, being able to choose if you want, through touch to transform weaker beings into zombies (if you are a weaker being like human and animal npcs these will become instantly, now demigods need to be at least 10 levels weaker than you taking 2 rounds). Through necromancy the offspring can generate living dead with harmful, toxic or chemical agents in their organism and can use this to their advantage in events and sagas (it must be explained as well as how the bio weapon works).
Level 51-99: Awilix's offspring achieving excellent mastery over necromancy. Now being able to cheat death (minus death itself, or beings linked to the underworld and hell). This ability allows that when the offspring is hit by any type of skill or blow that leads to death, in any modality of this, Awilix's son will be able to pretend that this all happened. In front of the opponent the offspring will appear to have died, when in fact they are only in a kind of stealth mode within the spiritual plane. If it is a skill that sprays the offspring, the body will then be sprayed, no matter the situation (it does not apply to blackouts), when Awilix's son then decides she will surprise him by returning completely alive and healthy. (Only beings linked to the underworld or death itself can discover that death was false). The offspring is capable of damaging the soul of their opponent, being able to 'kill' it, based on affecting the psychological, physical and spiritual of the victim making it "weaker", sucking not only its vital force, but its needs to live, even your healthy feelings o consumed by negative feelings like anguish, sadness and etc. (Can only cheat death once per event or saga)
Level 100-150: When the offspring reach their peak, they are able to deceive their death. At this level, when the offspring is about to be killed, the offspring can remove their soul from the body moments before being killed or destroyed, deceiving their opponent. (2 times per event or saga)
Cutting Moon
Concentrating a little lunar energy on the weapon, and making a half moon movement, a luminous cut will come out. Can be used melee or remotely. Each activation is equivalent to one use. Despite the aesthetic effect manifesting itself as light, it is a cutting attack and resistances to the element are not applicable, nor are they manipulated by the opponent's manipulations. Can only be used with laminated weapons.
Levels 01-10: The weapon projects a luminous half moon capable of cutting stones, it moves at 45 km / h. The demigod has two uses per battle
Levels 11-25: The weapon projects a luminous half moon capable of cutting Iron, it moves at 90 km / h. The demigod has three uses per battle
Levels 26-35: The weapon projects a luminous half moon capable of cutting Iron, it moves at 135 km / h. The demigod has four uses per battle
Levels 36-50: The weapon projects a luminous half moon capable of cutting Steel, it moves at 180 km / h. The demigod has six uses per battle
Levels 50-99: The weapon projects a luminous half moon capable of cutting Diamond, it moves at 225 km / h. The demigod has ten uses per battle
Levels 100-150: The weapon projects a luminous half moon capable of cutting materials that are more resistant than diamond, it moves at 270 km / h. The demigod has fifteen uses per battle.
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Toxic mist
Due to Awilix's link to disease, her children are able to expel harmful agents that spread through their mouths, touch or blood, causing simple diseases, such as allergy, or even the worst of all, black plague.
Level 01-20: Initially the offspring can release harmful agents in an area of 10m, which cause muscle pain, irritation in the eyes, sneezing and itching.
Level 21-40: Now able to affect an area of 20m, causing severe headaches, fever, sore throat, red spots on the body and the like.
Level 41-60: Now able to affect an area of 30m, causing stomach pain, nosebleeds, skin blisters, some eye problems and the like.
Level 61-80: It is already capable of affecting an area of 50m, causing disease to a medium degree.
Level 81-100: having the most evolved power, and cover to affect an area of 100m, causing illnesses with an almost deadly degree.
Level 101-120: Now the affected area is 150m, causing disease with almost no cure.
Level 121-150: Now able to affect an area of 200m, causing terminal illness.
Level 151-200: Now affects an area of 500m, causing deadly disease, where only Awilix's son is able to heal.
Note: It is worth mentioning that by touching or contacting the demigod's blood on the target, it will cause the same symptoms, besides that in the initial levels, the demigod is only able to affect immune beings if it has a higher level, already in the last few levels and is able to affect immune with up to 10 levels above.
Escape From Death
Due to the link with death and the underworld, the children of Awilix have the ability to “circumvent” their death, that by activating this technique their body will become immortal. Which allows you to recover from any damage your body, mind and soul do. This allowed him to survive fatal attacks, this ability also maintains the ability to attack his opponent. That ability gave him another benefit; after being "killed" (anyway), the offspring appear elsewhere out of harm's way, and can naturally maintain the ability.
Level 01-30: This ability lasts 2 rounds.
Level 31-60: This ability lasts 3 rounds.
Level 61-90: This ability lasts 4 rounds.
Level 91-120: This ability lasts 5 rounds.
Level 121-150: This ability lasts 6 rounds.
Note: After the end of the round, it is necessary to wait 5 rounds to be able to use it again.
Geokinesis is the ability to control the earth element, including sand, stones, minerals, rocks, or dust. It is possible to levitate rocks, cause earthquakes, know where the tectonic faults are and derivatives.
Levels 01-10: It has the ability to control the earth element, manipulating it only in piles, erecting blocks of earth like the telekinesis. You can handle only 100 kg of rock, sand or any material of the earth element at a time. It can generate small tremors in an area of 5 square meters, leaving people and objects out of balance. It can unbalance all people who are in that area of action, leaving them vulnerable and receiving, in addition to creating a stone shield up to two meters in diameter, protecting the user from power and one more ally. You can feel the earth, the movements of a person walking on a rock next to you. It can attract and retract sand and rocks, also being able to make blocks of earth move away or appear close.
Levels 11-25: Become able to pick up even the slightest vibrations through physical contact with the ground, allowing them to perceive their surroundings as seeing precisely as normal. The semiprimordial are able to perceive the structure and materials of solid substances, including the presence of caves, material changes, structural deficiencies, etc. It is capable of controlling large stones and generating tremors. It can lift and manipulate blocks of rock up to 250kg. These blocks are capable of serving as a means of transport for the user, reaching a speed of 110km / h. at that level, it can only transport the user and no one else. You can create rock bridges 10 meters away and columns up to 15 meters high. You can create 2 clones made of rocks to fight you.
Levels 26-35: Acquire full manipulation of the land by controlling walls, sand, metals, rocks, crystals and derivatives, changing their forms, in addition to transforming sand into rough earth, rough earth into metal and derivatives. You can create a stone shield up to two meters in diameter, protecting the semi-prime from the powers of the opponents and yet another ally. This protection, even if not very strong, is destroyed after the first defense. Feel the tectonic plates and their limits, knowing perfectly well where to find areas more conducive to creating earthquakes, areas of greater vulnerability. You can sense earthquakes and even help to calm one, even though it is an earthquake with a maximum level 8 of the Richter scale. It can generate small tremors in an area of 5 square meters, leaving people and objects out of balance.
Levels 36-50: The user is able to make weapons and even armor from stones, crystals, metals, sand and even dust, in addition to perfectly controlling the metal, also achieving enormous mental resistance against mental blows suffering only 40%, in addition to be able to generate a small sand or fine earth storm, which can be used to blind / hinder the vision of your enemies. The storm lasts a maximum of two shifts and affects an area of 10 meters.
Levels 50-99: The semiprimordial is able to project a stone shield up to two meters in diameter, protecting both him and his ally from physical powers. It also becomes able to create golems of land freely, they have the same geokinetic abilities as the offspring according to their level, they do not waste energy.
Levels 100-150: It reaches its maximum level, being able to freely control geokinesis easily, being able to encompass other skills freely. Also being able to transmute your body into an earth mimicry, where you can use your abilities in a more abusive way, without consuming almost anything of energy.
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Divine form
Awilix's offspring upon entering such a form, a light silver armor will emerge, possessing divine iron resistance, as well as a divine iron spear, in the same way that its faithful companion will grow, being 5m high, gaining an armor of the same material as yours, and your claws will be able to cause damage on both the physical and spiritual plane, just like your spear, the feline will be able to run at the speed of a jet. Above the demigod a 2m eagle will emerge, this one having moonlight in its favor, helping the demigod to use his powers and duplicate six effects, just as he can see through the bird's eyes. In such a transformation, the son of Awilix will have omnipotent control over the night and the lunar light, being able to bring to the battlefield the surface of the moon, being able to manipulate gravity and the lunar earth,
Level 180-200: Lasts two rounds
We are a family owned and operated business.
Level 201-220: lasts 3 rounds
We are a family owned and operated business.
Level 221-240: lasts 4 rounds
We are a family owned and operated business.
Level 241-260: lasts 5 rounds
Note: Once per saga
Complaint gifts
All of Awilix's children receive a miniature moon from their mother and the offspring can control the gravity imposed by it, but care must be taken when using it, as it also affects the area in which it is located.