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Calligena (from the Greek Ομιχλης), which means Mist, would be personification of the Primordial Mist. It would be one of the primordial gods of Greek mythology, Protogonos.
Caligena would be the female counterpart to Chaos. Caligena is like Chaos, it is the whole universe is everything that has as a source of life as the cosmos.
Mother of the universe that created the cosmos, Calígena would be the first female deity in the universe and would play a fundamental role in the creation of the universe, just like Chaos itself.
Calligena is rarely mentioned in mythology by the Greek and Roman poets and by the Hesiod, it appears mainly in the work of the Roman Higino.


Appearance: In general, they have snow-white hair, rarely having platinum blonde and brown / black / red hair EVER.

Personality: They are not very social, as they are also sometimes shy. They tend to be calm and have a peaceful life, when they meet a friend, they take that person for the rest of their lives.


Passive Powers

Historical Knowledge

Levels 1-10: Have information up to 1000 years ago

Levels 11-25: Have information up to 5000 years ago

Levels 26-35: Because Caligena is the first female deity and participates in the construction of the universe, my children already know the whole history of the galaxy.


Levels 1-10: Nothing in the world can be worse than the personification of Calligena, so her children can survive without any difficulty in any type of environment.

Levels 11-25: Can survive in a vacuum and in the depths of the sea without problems

Levels 26-35: Can survive in full volcanoes


Levels 1-10: Calligena could regenerate when she lost some part of her body and that same ability is passed on, on a smaller scale, to her children who can regenerate from hacking attacks almost instantly.

Levels 11-25: Can regenerate lost limbs in a few minutes (5 to 10 minimum)

Levels 26-35: Can regenerate even if he loses his own head (5 to 10 minutes)


Levels 1-10: Can create a large amount of fog in an area of ​​300 meters, this fog only serves to hinder the vision of enemies, it still does not have much density.

Levels 11-25: Increases to 2 km, now this fog totally disrupts the vision of enemies, the only beings who can see through it are those who have vision equal to or greater than that of an eagle.

Levels 26-35: My children have the enormous facility of creating the magic mist that runs through an entire city, taking advantage of this, they can manipulate the sight of human beings, demigods and monsters, the fog is magical, even not even beings that have a superior vision. an eagle can see through it.


Levels 1-10: The children of Calligena can decrease the density of their body that can pass through solid objects, almost like a ghost, at this level only one part of the body at a time.

Levels 11-25: Caligena's children can decrease the density of their body that can pass through solid objects, almost like a ghost, at this level only half of the body at a time.

Levels 26-35: They are already able to leave the whole body intangible

Lasts 3 rounds

Atoms Creation

Levels 11-25: Caligena's children can now create atoms and consequently create things, but sometimes they can come out a little defective.

Levels 26-35: The children of Calligena can now create atoms and consequently create things, at that level there are no defects in their creation. (They can't be too big) (They can't be alive)


Levels 1-10: With your fog you can stun the enemy, so he loses his body balance making it difficult to attack. (Reaches within 5 meters)

Levels 11-25: He is already able to leave the same with shortness of breath, making the enemy bring his hand to his face, all enemies will not be able to attack this way (Reaches within 20 meters)

Levels 26-35: Upon reaching its peak, it can use any element that travels the planet, my children can release a toxin capable of causing all demigods and humans to faint and after an hour these dead return like zombies and will be yours slaves for 5 rounds. (Reaches a radius of 70 meters)


Levels 1-10: Wings that allow you to fly freely, you can hardly maneuver in the air.

Levels 11-25: The wings move at the speed of a jet, their maneuvers still have human speed.

Levels 26-35: Moving at the speed of sound, you can now perform maneuvers at superhuman speed.

Levels 36-50: Exceed the speed of sound, you can now maneuver at the speed of a jet.

Levels 51-99: Since the birth of my children, they already have wings, but now they are splendid, measuring 100 meters from end to end and can have the placement that my son wants to place. The speed that my son flies is greater than the speed of sound, his maneuvers in the air can now surpass the speed of the sound itself, becoming an excellent flying man.

Maximum Magic

Levels 1-10: Can use 3 spells per day, this includes protection spells and simple elemental attacks.

Levels 11-25: Can use 5 spells per day, now includes more complex elementary spells.

Levels 26-35: Chaos has daughter Nyx as the patron goddess of sorcerers, you can do spells and enchantments because Nyx is your half sister. At this level the magic is much stronger and there are other types of magic, you can use as many times as you want

- Ignem: magic that generates rain of fireballs.
- Illustret: protection spell
- Afferte: Magic-sucking spell
- Paralysis: Paralyzes the enemy
-Sillentium: Makes the enemy run out of mouth
- Animal Transfigurationis: transforms an object into a proportional animal.
- Invisibility: makes you invisible.
- Illusio: causes the enemy to hallucinate
- Somnus: sleep magic.
-Fortuna Fortis: Magic of luck, makes things work for a while
- Gelidus: freezing magic
- Corpus transfiguratio: transforms the body into an animal.
- Unfortunate: Makes the enemy miss his magic (skills) and body blows.
- Oblivion: Erase the enemy's memory

It is necessary to recite the spell aloud for it to take effect, if the enemy prevents the spell from being recited it will lose all effect. PS: They last 3 rounds.

Active Powers


Levels 1-10: Can make a small amount of vacuum, capable of holding the breath of up to two enemies

Levels 11-25: You can already make three victims

Levels 26-35: Caligena's son can make a vacuum anywhere, it's huge and can choke as many people or demigods as he wants and even a legion of monsters. (50 meter radius)

Chaos Balls

Levels 1-10: Caligena's children can control chaos, so in a chaotic environment he can concentrate that chaos on a ball and drop it on his enemies making them afraid, confused and losing life.

Levels 11-25: Can create up to two balls

Levels 26-35: Create three balls

Black Hole

Levels 1-10: Caligena's children can create black holes that suck everything that is less than 5 meters away, except people who are touching my son.  

Levels 11-25: Caligena's children can create black holes that suck everything within 10 meters, minus the people who are touching my son.

Levels 26-35: Caligena's children can create black holes that suck everything that is less than 20 meters away, except for people who are touching my son.

Levels 36-50: Caligena's children can create black holes that suck everything that is less than 40 meters away, except for people who are touching my son.

Levels 51-99: Caligena's children can create black holes that suck everything that is less than 100 meters away, except for people who are touching my son.

Levels 100-150: Caligena's children can create black holes that suck everything that is less than a thousand meters away, except for people who are touching my son.


Levels 1-10: Can create five copies

Levels 11-25: Can create ten copies

Levels 26-35: Caligena's children can create 20 copies of themselves, perfect copies with the same powers and defenses.


The copies last three rounds, once per battle.

Diamond touch

Level 1: Everything you touch (less living things, but it can work on you) literally turns into a diamond, preventing gods from invading your mind.

Ps: Wear gloves


Levels 1-10: Can make everyone around you feel sleepy

Levels 11-25: Now makes everyone extremely sleepy

Levels 26-35: Can even leave a group of 100 people asleep

Levels 36-50: You can make anything sleep for 4 months even a god.

Spatial temperature

Levels 1-35: May leave Alaska-like climate

Levels 36-50: The children of Caligena can cause the temperature to drop and get close to the temperature of the space.

Divine Form of the Chaos Goddess

Caligena's offspring turns into a giant, swollen monstrous humanoid creature with multiple arms and breasts.

In this, he also acquires the powers of all the Roman demigods.


Levels 180-200: Caligena's offspring will be able to use the powers of all Greek demigods up to level 11. It lasts two rounds.

We are a family owned and operated business.

Level 201-220: Caligena's offspring will be able to use the powers of all Greek demigods up to level 36. Lasts three rounds.


Level 221-240: Caligena's offspring will be able to use the powers of all Greek demigods up to level 50. Lasts four rounds.


Levels 241-260: Caligena's offspring will be able to use the powers of all Greek demigods up to level 99. Lasts five rounds.


Note: 3 times per event.


Cetro Cósmicos de Calígena 


O Cetro Cósmico de Calígena é um artefato divino de poder incomparável (médio porte), criado pela própria deusa das nebulosas para seu filho semideus. Feito de um material desconhecido e adornado com gemas que brilham com a luz das estrelas distantes, o cetro emana uma aura de mistério e grandiosidade cósmica. Ele concede ao seu portador o poder de criar e moldar a matéria de acordo com sua vontade, em nível molecular, mas além disso, se o filho de Caligena usar alguma habilidade concedida a ele por Caligena enquanto tiver o item em mãos, o tempo de recarga dela será reduzido pela metade.


Duende da Bruma


O mascote para um semideus filho de Calígena seria uma criatura etérea e envolta em névoa, com contornos fluidos e misteriosos. Sua forma seria semi-transparente, sugerindo sua conexão com a névoa e os elementos nebulosos.


Nível 01-30: No estágio inicial, o mascote aparece como uma bruma leve e delicada, envolvendo o semideus em uma aura etérea. Sua presença é reconfortante, proporcionando uma sensação de proteção e conforto em meio à névoa. Velocidade de percepção de 10 mach e velocidade de ataque de 5 mach, resistência e potência de ataque de nível montanha.


Nível 31-60: O mascote começa a adquirir uma forma mais definida, mas ainda mantendo a natureza nebulosa de sua essência. Ele é capaz de criar pequenas criaturas nebulosas para auxiliar o semideus em suas jornadas, agindo como guardiões e companheiros leais, as quais, claro, são de pura névoa. Existe uma conexão telepática entre o usuário e o pet, permitindo que o Duende saiba sua vontade consciente e inconsciente. Velocidade de percepção de 15 mach e velocidade de ataque de 10 mach, resistência e potência de ataque de nível grande montanha. 


Nível 61-90: O mascote assume a forma de um guardião da névoa, com contornos mais sólidos e imponentes. Ele é capaz de aumentar a densidade da névoa ao redor do semideus, obscurecendo sua presença e permitindo que se mova sem ser detectado. Além disso, pode criar seres nebulosos mais complexos para ajudar em diversas tarefas. Velocidade de percepção de 20 mach e velocidade de ataque de 15 mach, resistência e potência de ataque de nível montanha.


Nível 91-120: O mascote se torna o senhor da névoa, controlando os elementos nebulosos com maestria. Ele pode criar ilusões e projeções nebulosas para confundir e distrair os inimigos, além de aumentar a distância de visão do semideus, permitindo-lhe enxergar através da névoa e além das fronteiras físicas (até 5x). Velocidade de percepção de 25 mach e velocidade de ataque de 20 mach, resistência e potência de ataque de nível ilha.


Nível 121-150: O mascote ascende à forma de uma manifestação nebulosa, transcendendo as limitações da matéria física, pois sim, sua névoa existirá também no plano mental e espiritual. Ele é capaz de criar criaturas nebulosas mais poderosas e complexas, dotadas de habilidades únicas e capazes de enfrentar desafios mais difíceis ao lado do semideus. Velocidade de percepção de 20 mach e velocidade de ataque de 25 mach, resistência e potência de ataque de nível grande ilha.


Nível 151-200: O mascote se torna o espírito da névoa eterna, uma entidade cuja essência está intrinsecamente ligada aos elementos nebulosos do mundo. Ele pode aumentar drasticamente a distância de visão do semideus, permitindo-lhe enxergar através de barreiras físicas e além das fronteiras do mundo conhecido, pois sim, enxergará no plano psíquico e espiritual. Velocidade de percepção de 35 mach e velocidade de ataque de 20 mach, resistência e potência de ataque de nível pequeno país.


Nível 201-250: O mascote se transforma em uma neblina cósmica. Ele é capaz de criar seres nebulosos de proporções épicas, imunes às quatro forças fundamentais e controles de sua existência, e lembrando, apenas filhos de Calígena podem controlar a névoa, já que ela possui imunidade absoluta ao controle, exceto, é claro, para os descendentes de Caligena. Além disso, pode aumentar a distância entre o semideus e seus inimigos, criando a cada rodada distâncias equivalente a um país, mas durando somente aquele turno. Velocidade de percepção de 40 mach e velocidade de ataque de 35 mach, resistência e potência de ataque de nível continental.


Nível 251-300: No estágio final, o mascote se metamorfoseia em um emissário da névoa primordial. Sua presença é uma fonte de poder incomparável, permitindo ao semideus manipular a névoa e a distância com facilidade, criando distância entre pontos em seu campo de percepção. Velocidade de percepção de 50 mach e velocidade de ataque de 45 mach, resistência e potência de ataque de nível lunar.

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