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Cronos (in Greek : Κρόνος, transl .: Krónos), [1] in Greek mythology , he is the youngest of the titans , son of Uranus , the starry sky, and Gaia , the earth. Cronos was the king of the titans and the great god of time, especially when it is seen in its destructive aspect, the impregnable time that rules fates and devours everything [2] . Titan Cronos served as an inspiration for the ancient Orphic sect to create the figure of Chronos , whom they called the "primordial god of time". It is noteworthy that the Orphic way of life caused great strangeness among the Greeks and the new theogony created by them was likewise repudiated by the civic and popular cult of the Greek pleis [4] . Which means that, for ordinary Greeks, the Titan Cronos (and only he) was the god of time par excellence.

At the request of his mother he became lord of heaven, castrating his father with a scythe. From then on, the world was ruled by the lineage of the titans, who, according to Hesiod , constituted the second divine generation. It was during the reign of Cronos that humanity (newborn) lived its "Golden Age".

Cronos married his sister Reia , who gave him six children (the Chronids ): three women, Hestia , Demeter and Hera and three men, Hades , Poseidon and Zeus .

As he was afraid of being dethroned because of an oracle's curse, Cronos swallowed his children when they were born. He ate everyone except Zeus, who Reia managed to save by deceiving Cronos by wrapping a stone in a cloth, which he swallowed without realizing the exchange.

When Zeus grew up, he decided to take revenge on his father, requesting for this feat the support of Métis - Prudência - daughter of the titan Oceano . She offered Cronos a magic potion, which made him vomit the children he had devoured.

Then Zeus became lord of heaven and the supreme deity of the third generation of gods in Greek mythology , by banishing the Titans to Tartarus and driving the father away from the throne. In Homer's words, Zeus bound him with chains in the underworld, where he was found, after ten years of fierce struggle, by his brothers, the Titans, who had thought they could regain the power of Zeus and the Olympian gods.

In some variants of the myth, Cronos and the Titans are reached by the mercy of Zeus, liberated from Tartarus and each one returns to its cosmological function in the universe. With his son's permission, Cronos then becomes the ruler of the Champs Elysées , the paradise of Greek mythology and a resting place for the blessed dead.


Appearance: They are strong as children of Ares, usually have black hair and brown eyes, always with a physical appearance to be envious.

Personality: They tend to be quiet and authoritarian. They don't make many friends and are generally considered anti-social.


Passive Powers


Cronos was said to be able to swallow his own children so that the curse imposed by his father would not be realized. Their offspring inherited a peculiar ability to feed on matter, as a way to recover their energy and vigor.

Level 1-30: The son of Cronos can initially only feed on materials such as iron, diamond, wood and etc. You can also acquire the ability to coat your body with this particular material for up to 3 rounds.

Level 31-60: The offspring of Cronos can now feed on solid bursts of energy, being able to ingest them and then launch bursts from this same energy.

Level 61-90: The son of Kronos can now feed on people, animals or creatures just as his father did on his own child gods. Once you have swallowed them, the offspring can have their appearance altered for the particular victim by accessing their natural abilities.

Alpha Command

As a descendant of Cronos himself, the one considered the king of the second divine caste that was the titans, they will have the necessary authority to impose orders on other semi titans.

Level 1-10: Initially the semi titans will only show strong respect for you.

Level 11-25: Now they will follow you on seeing you as a good leader.

Level 26-35: You can now ask the Titan Titans for small favors that they will do.

Level 36-50: You can now ask for average favors, as long as you don't have to risk your life for you, they are accepting it.

Level 51-99: You can now not only ask great favors from any semi titan, but you can force and compel them to comply, emanating a golden aura over your body which affects any nearby semi titan (including your brothers sons of Cronos, since that have a level less than or equal to yours).

Ps: Semi titans that have levels higher than that of the offspring can resist this aura, being able to impose their own will against the offspring, but they need to have a difference of at least 10 levels, otherwise they won't be able to resist much.

Level 100-150: These offspring are now extremely respected by all titans, following you if necessary in your battles.

Enhanced Strength

Cronos was recognized for his combat skills, also managing to withstand the flashing rays of Zeus and his Master Ray. Thanks to this, their offspring inherit their great resistance adapted to their physical strength.

Level 1-10: It shows itself capable of destroying rocks and wood.

Level 11-25: Proves capable of destroying iron.

Level 26-35: Proves capable of destroying steel.

Level 36-50: Proves capable of destroying titanium.

Level 51-99: Proves capable of destroying diamond.

Level 100-150: Proves capable of destroying adamantium.

Level 151-200: Proves capable of destroying vibranium.

The farmer

Level 30: The offspring of Cronos acquire great knowledge about agriculture, acquiring the ability to use the innumerable techniques from this area to grow plants in order to obtain food, drinks, fibers, energy, raw material for clothes, buildings, medicines , tools, or just for aesthetic contemplation. Thanks to its natural abilities, the offspring of Cronos can easily accelerate the cultivation process of these plantations. The same can also acquire some natural abilities of plants so that it can survive in environments

Active Powers

Divine Roses

The offspring of Cronos can now condense their own energy and form extremely powerful roses, with several specific effects.

Level 30-60: Initially the offspring can only materialize their energy in several roses around them, they are extremely dense to the point of penetrating even the diamond easily. Once launched against their opponents they penetrated the flesh easily, being compared to the pain of a blade cutting through it.

Level 61-90: The same can now materialize several scarlet roses around them, they released a pollen, they also have countless spines all over them. Once you inhale this pollen or be cut by the thorns, your body will fall into a deep sleep in addition to losing your 5 senses for 24 hours.

Level 91-120: The son of Cronos is able to focus his energy on a single rose, this rose being white in color. It is very dense, compared to vibranium, and at this level it can easily pierce its victims. Once it does, the rose will begin to absorb all the blood inside the victim's body until no more remains. The offspring will know when the blood has stopped being absorbed, when the rose is completely red.

Level 121-150: Now at its peak, the offspring are able to create these divine roses easily, giving them their own characteristic, which can often be a hybrid wheel of other existing ones.

Vital Sharing

Being a divinity connected to agriculture, these offspring are interconnected to plants, so they acquire the ability to share some of their vital essence with the plants around them and thus give life to them, and can make them valuable allies during their fighting.

Level 1-10: Can only give life to 5 plants.

Level 11-25: Can only give life to 10 plants.

Level 26-35: Can only give life to 15 plants.

Level 36-50: Can only give life to 20 plants.

Level 51-99: Can only give life to 25 plants.

Level 100-150: Can only give life to 30 plants.


Level 60: Many plants have access to lethal or even simple toxins at times, which is why these offspring have the ability to generate, control and shape poisons.

Temporal Mirror

The offspring of Cronos is capable of materializing a large mirror next to it, this mirror has the ability to reproduce a certain attack, or ability used during the event in which the offspring is, only this time against whoever wishes to.

Level 1-30: Can reproduce a given attack, or power used by anyone, up to 2 rounds ago. Be that power either.

Level 31-60: Can reproduce a given attack, or power used by anyone within 3 rounds ago. Be that power either.

Level 61-90: Can reproduce a given attack, or power used by anyone in up to 4 rounds ago. Be that power either.

Level 91-120: Can reproduce a given attack, or power used by anyone, up to 5 rounds ago. Be that power either.

Level 121-150: Can reproduce a specific attack or power used by anyone during the event. Be this power either

Ps: Can reproduce only 3 attacks per event or saga.

Divine Plants

These plants are different from any other existing, being unique, where only Cronos' own offspring are able to create. Being called divine plants, because they have effects that are sometimes lethal for anyone.

Level 1-20: Initially it can only materialize its divine energy in a seed that grows quickly, forming a whip capable of cutting even titanium. Its cut is also capable of paralyzing its victims for 3 rounds.

Level 21-40: The offspring can now materialize their own energy and defragment quickly around you, forming several rose petals around you as protection, where anyone who approaches within 10 meters of you will be sliced ​​by those petals at a superhuman speed. The cuts are so fast and deep that the victim only feels the pain 5 seconds after receiving the cuts. Offspring can also make these petals invisible to the eyes of their enemies.

Level 61-80: You can now create a large carnivorous plant, similar to a huge anaconda. Being able to reach a radius of up to 50 meters, this plant feeds on living beings, exhibiting an acid capable of corroding the skin of its victims easily and quickly. Once devoured by this plant, even your soul is consumed by the acid.

Level 81-100: It is capable of creating a plant that, once it comes into contact with some part of the victim's body, a union will occur at the cellular level, repairing the damage that the victim will suffer, being able to regenerate injuries and lost limbs (less limbs like heart and brain). This plant is used for torture as well.

Level 101-121: Can create a large giant plant, reaching about 50 meters, it is able to release a large pollen that is easily able to cover a territory of 100 meters easily. Everyone within this range once they come into contact with the pollen, just just inhale or get in touch, the victim will have his worst fears and nightmares come true, the victim will suffer great torment, as he will not be able to distinguish whether the who perceives around you is real or not.

Level 121-140: You can now create divine plants and derivatives freely, giving you specific and unique effects.

Divine Sickle

The offspring of Cronos can summon the great scythe used by his father to castrate Uranus.

Level 1-10: It has the resistance of iron. Offspring acquire the ability to fly.

Level 11-25: It has the strength of steel. Each time the scythe comes into contact with matter, it is shown to be able to paralyze this particular matter in time for 2 seconds.

Level 26-35: It has the strength of titanium. It can age matter with each hit, and it can become obsolete after a series of attacks.

Level 36-50: It has diamond resistance. It can release beams of temporal energy, which, when hit on its victims, causes confusion in its own mind, making it have memories of other people coming from other times in its head and failing to reason properly.

Level 51-99: It has adamantium resistance. It can now cause your opponents a strong headache with their attacks, making them forget ideas and thoughts they may have during combat.

Level 100-150: It has the resistance of vibranium. They can create temporal cracks by tearing the air.


The offspring of Cronos is able to paralyze the time around him for quick seconds and then move during this interval to any location he wishes, simply appearing within that certain range.

Level 1-10: Lasts 5 seconds. It can go anywhere within an area of ​​up to 50 meters.

Level 11-25: Lasts 10 seconds. He can go anywhere within an area compared to an entire neighborhood.

Level 26-35: Lasts 15 seconds. It can go anywhere within an area compared to an entire City.

Level 36-50: Lasts 20 seconds. It can go anywhere within an area compared to an entire region.

Level 51-99: Lasts 25 seconds. It can go anywhere within an area compared to an entire state.

Level 100-150: Lasts 30 seconds. He can go anywhere within an area compared to an entire country.

Ps: You need to wait 3 rounds before you can use it again.

Connection with Nature

Cronos has a strong connection with nature, his offspring also inherit this, acquiring some abilities related to it.

Level 1-20: The children of Cronos can create, shape and manipulate plants, including wood, vines, plants, moss and parts of plants, such as leaves, seeds, fruits and flowers, and among other derivatives.

Level 21-40: They acquire the ability to control the land element, and at this level they can also make fertile soils suitable for agriculture.

Level 41-60: They acquire the ability to control the air element, which is sometimes necessary for the cultivation of certain plants.

Level 61-80: They acquire the ability to manipulate water, a useful element for growing plants.

Level 81-100: The children of Cronos now learn to control the element of fire, being an element proper for the destruction of pests when they threaten their plantation.

Level 101-120: In order to grow plants it is necessary to have light, so the offspring acquire the ability to control the light.

The Divine Beast

During the war against the Olympians, the Titans enlisted the help of the colossal and dark beast, named Typhon. Her offspring are able to summon this great beast during their fighting, which will only think of one thing, killing any god or demigod she encounters.

Level 60-90: You can summon this beast for only 3 rounds, and it will have the attributes of a creature compared to Cerberus being able to control air and darkness at will, having a force capable of destroying entire states. This beast will be able to naturally feel and perceive any demigod or deity nearby, leaving to kill him.

Level 91-120: Lasts 4 rounds, now possessing the attributes of a minor deity, possessing a force capable of destroying entire countries.

Level 121-150: Lasts 5 rounds, now possessing the attributes of a greater deity, such as the Olympians, possessing a force capable of destroying entire Nations.

Ps: 1 time per event or saga

Time Advance

It is the ability to advance time around you, thus also being able to prevent your opponents from being able to react to any attack you use, while using this ability.

Level 1-20: You can advance 20 seconds in time.

Level 21-40: You can advance 40 seconds in time.

Level 41-60: You can advance 60 seconds in time.

Level 61-80: You can advance one round ahead.

Level 81-100: You can advance two rounds ahead.

Temporal Backspace

It is the ability to regress the time around you, thus being able to undo actions and movements that have been made.

Level 1-20: They can freeze time for 20 seconds.

Level 21-40: Can stop time for 40 seconds.

Level 41-60: Can stop time for 60 seconds.

Level 61-80: Can freeze time for one round.

Level 81-100: Can freeze time for two rounds.

Ps: They are timeless, and are not affected by forward, backward or temporal paralysis.

Size Change

The offspring of Cronos have the ability to increase and decrease their size as they wish.

Level 1-10: You can increase your size up to 20 meters, and you can decrease your size to that of a dog if you want.

Level 11-25: You can increase your size up to 40 meters, and you can decrease your size to that of a mouse if you want.

Level 26-35: You can increase your size up to 60 meters, and you can decrease your size to that of a fly if you want.

Level 36-50: You can increase your size up to 80 meters, and you can decrease your size to that of a bacterium if you want.

Level 51-99: It can increase its size up to 100 meters, being able to decrease its size for which it desires.

Level 100-150: You can increase your size as you wish.

Temporal Backspace

It is the ability to regress the time around you, thus being able to undo actions and movements that have been made.

Level 1-20: They can freeze time for 20 seconds.

Level 21-40: Can stop time for 40 seconds.

Level 41-60: Can stop time for 60 seconds.

Level 61-80: Can freeze time for one round.

Level 81-100: Can freeze time for two rounds.


Aquatic Manipulation

Kronos' offspring inherit from their father the ability to generate, control and shape the waters from the river Lete which is in their father's domain in the Elíseos fields.

Level 1-10: Can generate small potions of water, being able to launch jets of water at your enemies.

Level 11-25: Offspring can now control the temperature of these waters, making them extremely hot or extremely cold if desired.

Level 26-35: In addition to creating constructs, the camper can give solid forms to these waters, being able to create weapons made from these waters.

Level 36-50: You can control the waters coming from that river perfectly, doing almost everything possible. Being able to generate immense potions of water if you wish.

Level 51-99: You can change the physical state of this water, which can make it become condensed vapor in the air, making it a lethal weapon against your enemies.

Level 100-150: You can change the physical state of that water, to the solid, using a kind of cryocinesis.

Ps: With each damage that their victims receive, they end up losing an entire year of memories (and derivatives, like feelings for a person, forgetting deep relationships, etc.).

Control over Insects

Just as crops attract insects to themselves, these offspring also have this ability, since their childhood the offspring of Kronos have in their body a vastness of insects on their body, they manage to survive in their body by feeding on a small scale of their energy, at the same time that it is quickly replaced.

Level 1-10: Initially, the offspring of Kronos can attract insects by releasing hormones into the air, like a female insect, but unlike them, it can attract insects of all types and of different sex. He can also use understanding them to be able to talk and ask for small favors, both for the attracted insects and for the insects that live inside his body.

Level 11-25: The offspring of Cronos are now able to release various insects of all kinds from their bodies, only in small quantities. At this level, your blood is toxic to other creatures, containing numerous toxins.

Level 26-35: He is able to use these insects in a greater way, being able to summon an entire hive of insects. It is also capable of undergoing small partial or total metamorphoses, being able to acquire parts, characteristics and natural abilities of any existing insect if desired.

Level 36-50: You can now summon any type of existing insect in addition to breaking down insects partially or totally if you wish, and you can now also grant these insects the ability to feed on people instead of their natural food. Just like you can do anything else related.

Level 51-99: You can increase the size of these insects up to 60 meters in height if you want. As well as giving them the ability to feed on the energy of their enemies, blocking the emission of powers related to energy, paralyzing muscles and etc., they can create insects if they wish, these insects encompassing characteristics of other existing ones in order to create a deadly and perfect weapon.

Level 100-150: Now the offspring is able to control a specific species of insects, they have a nanometric appearance compared to a bacterium, and cannot be seen even by the best eyes, these insects are parasites that eat raw meat, just a physical touch on someone's skin and these insects enter your body through the pores feeding on your cells and flesh, even your skin.

Level 151-200: At their peak, these offspring can breed and generate strong pests, including pests, grasshoppers and certain flies that carry lethal diseases. At this level, these pests can, for example, release an odor capable of delaying the 5 senses, inducing diseases, as well as several other purposes that the offspring desires.

Ps: Your insects are not affected by illusions, being protected from it.

Elysian Fields

Level 70: Being your father, ruler of Campos Elíseos, your offspring can go through a crack to the Campos Elíseos where it serves as a personal home for the camper if he so wishes. In this place only those that the offspring want can enter this place with you, being able to define whether or not they can use their powers.

Titanic Form

The offspring of Cronos finally reached their full peak, managing to awaken their hidden powers, accessing their titanic form. Their offspring then undergo an increase in their hair, and their clothes are unchanged, both having an albino color. Your eyes get a little wild, in this state it is timeless and also in this state your body does not age in any way unless the offspring wishes.

His attributes rise to that of a first generation titan like his father, and he acquires absolute control over nature, and in addition to controlling the plants he dominates the elements provided by nature.

Level 180-200: Lasts 2 rounds.

Level 201-220: Lasts 3 rounds.

Level 221-240: Lasts 4 rounds.

Level 241-260: Lasts 5 rounds.

Ps: Once per mission.

Complaint gifts

Clock time


A gold watch, it creates a sphere around the son of cronos and four other people, it can also absorb any type of temporal attack.



Paradox Scythe


It is a Celestial bronze sickle blessed by Cronos. Extremely sharp, it cuts anything, it is light and easy to handle.

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