Icarus was the son of Daedalus and a slave of Persephone , goddess of herbs, flowers, fruits and perfume. Daedalus descends from Zeus himself, since Daedalus was the son of Alcipe , who was the daughter of Ares , who in turn was the son of Zeus and Hera .
Daedalus, expelled for killing his nephew Talo, took refuge on the island of Crete , next to King Minos . After the birth of Minotauro , the result of the love between Pasífae (Minos' wife) and a divine bull (V. Minos), he and his son Ícaro built the labyrinth of Minotauro, in which he trapped the monster. Later, Minotauro was killed by Theseus (V. Theseus and V. Minotauro).
After Minotauro's death, Daedalus was trapped, along with his son, in the labyrinth. Then he built artificial wings from beeswax and seagull feathers. That way he managed to escape. Before, however, he warned his son not to fly too close to the sun, so that he could not melt the wax on his wings, and not too close to the sea, as this could make his wings heavier. However Icarus did not listen to his father's advice and, taken by the desire to fly close to the sun, he ended up crashing and fell in the Aegean Sea , while his father, crying, flying to the coast. Upon arriving in Sicily , he was taken to King Cocalo's house.
Appearance: As they are children of other gods, even though they disown their powers, they still have their characteristics. Less on some physical issues that Icarus provides such as: Bones are hollow like those of birds, ensuring less weight in proportion to their muscle mass. Your eyes are specially adapted to resist the wind at high speed. It also has a special membrane in its respiratory system that allows it to extract oxygen from the air at high altitudes or at high speed.
Personality: They are extremely calm, gentle and cheerful, their biggest hobby is flying around
Passive Powers
Bow Skill
It has a high handling with the bow, and in addition, it is totally skilled in making incredible and unusual maneuvers with it, even being able to stake it in its opponents.
Levels 1-20: Even though he is new to the camp, the demigod has a high skill that lets him know the basic use of a bow, unlike other campers.
Levels 21-45: Your character can now use his bow as a club, now not just to shoot arrows. In addition, it has the ability to shoot with the bow from another meter away. You will learn to shoot two arrows with your bow, instead of one at a time.
Levels 46-65: Now you can make more difficult movements with the adaptation of brushness with the bow, being able to perform all the precise movements without expending part of your energy. You will learn to use arrows of fire or arrows of poison, being able to create them "from nothing".
Levels 66-80: The demigod discovered all the tricks and privileges exercised by the skill with the bow, being able to control it perfectly, as well as having the ability to make impossible movements with the same aim and perfect techniques. You can now bet four arrows on the bow, instead of just one or two, you can create energy arrows now.
Perfect Wings
The follower of Icarus produces his own perfect wings, being they of a varied material, the wings of the follower can be as perfect as those of Daedalus or Icarus himself.
Level 1-30: The follower's wings are extremely developed and beautiful, attracting the attention of everyone who sees them causing them to lose focus. The wings are made of a white material, such as cotton and seagull feathers, the wings do not melt and do not actually burn (they burn, but are not destroyed by fire) and can, despite its fragile appearance, also be used in combat to break away of blows, the wings have a wingspan of up to 4 meters.
Level 31-60: Your wings have reached a silver stage, where they reflect light (making the follower almost immune to blows involving light, as the material reflects it), you can now apply enough force to the wings to generate strong gusts , being able to ward off beings not endowed with such strength with gusts, with a lot of movement it can even create clouds / small dust tornadoes with the wings, beings that look directly at them are fascinated, losing focus for a few seconds, now it has 5 meters of wingspan and it has steel resistance.
Level 61-90: Its wings increase in size to 6 meters wingspan, now having 2 pairs of wings, it can create gusts capable of generating small tornadoes, making the air surround the follower as the center of the tornado, it can even drive cars and buses away, its wings are now totally resistant to adversities, such as winds, fire, water, temperature, etc., but they are not indestructible, having the approximate diamond resistance for physical strikes, it can (once per event) totally nullify a blow, its wings now reflect the light of the Sun itself, creating harmful spectra of light for those who look at them directly, it can blind if it maintains contact and burn those who touch the wings, light attacks are almost ineffective, since the wings reflect them back to the user .
Level 91-120: Its wings are now 8 meters wide, now having three pairs of perfect wings, they can create typhoons and powerful tornadoes, with winds of up to 300 km / h and can continue for up to 20 km, they can even suck skills with the tornadoes, like creating fire tornadoes imbuing their wings with fire, with a lot of effort (keeping the wings beating at an accelerated pace for two scenes) manage to create F4-rated tornadoes, creating devastating damage even in cities, if you keep all the wings flapping around at the same time it manages to fly at sound speeds, its wings can nullify up to 3 strokes per fight and reflect up to 2, the resistance reaches its apex, being compared to adamantium.
Level 121-150: The follower's wings are almost at the apex, being almost completely indestructible (vibranium, its wings can easily resist solar fires from the Sun itself, now having wings of 12 meters in wingspan, it can have up to 6 pairs throughout the body, being able to nullify up to 4 blows and reflect 3 (once per event), its tornadoes can reach extensive levels of destruction, being able to destroy even a city creating several tornadoes (it requires a lot of effort, leaving the wings unusable for 4 rounds, and to create such an amount it is necessary 3 scenes flapping the wings), their wings can blind opponents when they reflect the light and even generate slight sunburns, causing medium pains in the affected.
Sharp Intelligence
Level 10-30: The follower has an intelligence superior to any ordinary human being, being considered a genius, he can be good in almost any area of science, culture or any other field, but still not having full knowledge of combat, despite knowing basic strokes of various martial arts.
Level 31-79: Your intelligence reaches an extreme level, with more than 300 IQ, you are considered a genius in any area of any specialty, be it medicine, psychology, music and etc., even if you have never played a piano, it perfectly just by seeing the notes, being able to learn any language of any people just by seeing a number or a phrase, being the greatest geniuses of all time, having an even greater gift for mechanics, they manage to create huge and complex structures, just like Daedalus , the very representation of human genius, his handiwork can be simply perfect, and he can even perform a complex surgery without the help of any equipment, having a precise balance and reason.
Level 80: Possibly the most dangerous skill of the Icarus follower is his mind. His intellect is dedicated to increasing his own power and helping others. The follower is a genius in virtually every known field of advanced science including technology far superior to contemporary Earth science. It is also able to adapt quickly to new battle situations without difficulties, being able to overcome its opponents with just the mind, creating strategies to adapt to any situation, having an even higher level by focusing on noise-free places and in peace closing their eyes, they can even sense dangers and threats in general, or they can make their brain focus on specific senses, increasing them by up to 40x (due to the amount of inhibited senses, and to reach 40x it is necessary 3 scenes in this state of meditation ), they can even create a copy of the Labyrinth of Daedalus in a matter of days, their psychic abilities are so high that they can take control of an illusion even if it breaks their immunity, they can technically create any type of machine and hack any machine.
Directional Notion
Level 1: Ícaro's followers are always able to have a certain notion of where they are, observing the cardinal points and the space, they know exactly where they are and where they should go, never getting lost in, for example, mazes.
Pyrotechnic Handler
Level 1-30: Daedalus and Icarus were great inventors and geniuses, having created the Labyrinth of Daedalus, they implanted several traps with advanced architecture and mechanics, moving from automatic systems of arrows and mental traps and with Greek fire, being, therefore, followers of Icarus has a certain increased resistance, reducing the damage taken in any way that affects your physique by 15%.
Level 31-60: Your resistance increases for a few seconds, like black fire, Greek fire, etc.
Level 61-100: Your resistance increases to 65%, mundane weapons no longer cause you total damage, most just hit you uselessly, your fire resistance increases, being able to resist you for up to 10 seconds at most.
Aviation Adaptation
Level 1: your bones are hollow like those of birds, ensuring less weight in proportion to your muscle mass. Your eyes are specially adapted to resist the wind at high speed. It also has a special membrane in its respiratory system that allows it to extract oxygen from the air at high altitudes or at high speed, its body is completely adapted to that of a bird, allowing extreme agility in the air and on land, in addition to allowing the even fly extremely fast, in addition to your body already having an additional strength to allow the full movement of the wings without any effort, besides receiving two blessings: They will never be hurt if they fall from extremely high heights or are thrown on the ground and they can never be drowned if they fall into the sea or are thrown anywhere with water.
Icarus Corner
Level 1-30: You can sing like a bird, everyone who hears your beautiful melody will be fascinated by your skill and the supernatural beauty of the music, being slightly mesmerized for mere seconds, at most 5.
Level 31-60: Increases to 15 seconds, the song can be heard by everyone in an area of 30x30 meters.
Level 61-90: Increases to up to one minute, the bird's song can be played by several birds in the area, increasing its range and its effect, leaving all those affected fascinated with such beauty.
Level 91-120: Increases to 5 minutes, even after the end of the song the opponent will be amazed at how perfect his melody will be, reaching larger areas up to the limit of his control over birds.
Level 121-150: The opponent can simply fall asleep listening to the Canto de Ícaro, waking up several hours later or at the time the follower wishes, making the illusion that the opponent is in a huge maze, where his voice will be echoing in the center and he will try desperately to get to the center to better hear the perfect song.
Control Over Birds
The follower of Icarus can manipulate birds and birds of all species freely, using only hand gestures.
Level 1-10: Can manipulate any bird that is in the sky in your vision.
Level 11-25: You can call birds from a radius of 100x100 meters to help you, just with a joke, and after that you can manipulate them freely.
Level 26-35: Can call birds up to a radius of 200x200 meters with a joke.
Level 36-99: Can summon as many birds as you want to help you in the battle, being able to call birds and any winged animal that are within a 300x300 meter radius. Level 100: Your manipulation reaches a point where even aerial mythological creatures like griffins answer your call and respect you, not just attacking you out of sheer aggressiveness.
Sky Force
The follower of Icarus has his strength multiplied when he is flying, this intensifies making him stronger and more resistant, a blessing directly from Apollo and Aeolus, who watched the death of Icarus with such grief that they blessed those who plan to follow him.
Level 1 -10: Your strength and endurance are increased by 2x.
Level 11-25: Your strength and endurance are increased by 3x.
Level 26-35: Your strength and endurance are increased by 4x.
Level 36-50: Your strength, endurance and speed are increased by 5x.
Level 51-99: Your strength and endurance increases by 6x.
The follower of Icarus has the ability to create his own enchanted arrows, having several varied effects.
Level 1-50: Can create poisonous arrows and fire arrows, poisonous ones contain an extremely fast and lethal poison, and can even necrotize the area surrounded by the plague, killing the target in a matter of hours, while fire contains a liquid nearby to the lighter fluid that spreads in an area of up to 1 meter around the wound, generating a wave of fire that consumes the entire body of the target.
Level 50-100: You can create arrows of energy from nothing, arrows can come with various elements (ice, pure fire, lightning, darkness, light and impact arrows, in addition to pure energy arrows), these arrows have a high destructive power, being able to destroy even steel with pure energy.
Level 101-150: You now get arrows with more varied effects, thanks to technological changes and your knowledge of hormones, such as illusory arrows, arrows that implant feelings in the affected and etc., lead arrows manage to generate a pure love effect in someone, if the arrow linked to it is intentionally broken, the affected person will be affected with hatred and dislike, being able to totally ignore the Love given by the other affected by the arrow and living bitterly (each effect only lasts 3 rounds).
Level 151-200: Now he is an excellent manipulator of diverse arrows, being able to create an arrow with the effect he wishes, without extrapolating, but he is like Gavião Arqueiro, managing to have any type of arrow he wishes for the most diverse feats, using technology together with his enormous intellect to give common arrows varied effects (it is necessary to warn in a scene that he is leaving with his quiver of modified arrows).
Active Powers
Wax Handling
Level 1-30: Can manipulate and mold the wax freely within a radius of 10x10 meters, being able to summon heaps of wax and use them against their enemies.
Level 31-60: You can change properties such as wax temperature, being able to liquefy or solidify the wax, manipulating and creating it within a radius of up to 20x20 meters
Level 61-90: It reaches hot or very cold temperatures, being able to melt or freeze your opponents with wax, being able to manipulate it in a radius of up to 30x30 meters.
Level 91-120: Can handle within a radius of up to 40x40.
Level 121-150: Can handle within a radius of up to 100x100 meters.
Icarus Fury
Levels 31-60: The follower of Icarus controls his opponent's body by throwing him into the air, leaving him immobilized for 1 minute and causing him to fall without being able to defend himself, often causing a fatal fall, the drop is 10 meters and with acceleration impact force 10 m / s + 50 m / s, needing up to 10 seconds of eye contact to work.
Levels 61-90: They are able to throw the opponent up to 30 meters high, the speed of the fall is 100 m / s, technically killing anyone, it requires a visual contact of up to 5 seconds to function (the stoppage)
Levels 91-120: Now the follower of Icarus throws his opponent at a height of up to 50 meters and immediately afterwards lightning strikes immediately, going against the opponent, these rays are from Zeus himself (having direct descent with Icarus and Daedalus), consequently spraying the hit, but the manipulation of the Icarus follower is stopped about 5 seconds before the rays descend, giving a reaction time to your opponent. Eye contact for 3 seconds.
Level 121-150: The opponent is thrown up above the clouds, the follower's territory, where after that he is thrown to the ground turning the center of a tornado on the way, as if a cloud were falling over him, being the weight of a cloud, approximately 600 tons, in addition to suffering the pressure force of the tornado and the rays of Zeus. Eye contact for 2 seconds.
(PS: Only twice per event.)
Sound Scream
Levels 1-30: The follower of Icarus is capable of letting out loud screams capable of deafening the enemy for 2 rounds
Levels 31-60: Screams can now burst their eardrums
Levels 61-90: Screams generate so much pressure that they can destroy entire trees.
Level 91-120: The follower's screams can devastate an entire forest, and can in a concentrated way burst someone's body.
Solar Reflection
Level 1-30: Your followers will receive a blessing from the solar god that will allow them to briefly manipulate sunlight. Initially, your followers will be able to create two spheres of light thirty centimeters wide and thirty centimeters high. The spheres can be used for nothing more than illuminating dark places.
Level 31-60: They have already improved their luminous ability and will now be able to create up to three spheres of light the same size as the previous level. Icarus followers have a certain amount of heat in their body, so they will be able to manipulate the thermal energy briefly, managing to increase the temperature of the place where it is until it reaches 70 ° C (for a maximum of 3 rounds).
Level 61-90: Now you will be able to create photokinetic concentrations in your hands, managing to use them for hand-to-hand combat in a way that amplifies the strength of your punches so that you can damage walls. They will also be able to increase the temperature of the place to an incredible 120 ° C, for three rounds.
Level 91-120: The follower will now be able to envelop his body in an intense light that hinders the visibility of his enemies. They are capable of releasing intense bursts of photokinetic energy against their enemy from their eyes or hands. Now they are able to increase the temperature of the place where they are to 150 ° C, for three rounds.
Level 121-150: They will be able to increase the temperature of the place where they are to the incredible 200 ° C, for three rounds, now being able to create small projections of light, like daggers, swords and varied light shields.
Level 151-200: At this level, they will be able to increase the temperature of the place where they are to 250 ° C, for three rounds, their light powers are so high that they are able to create domes of light and become invisible creating a diffractor of light in your body. PS: Concentration is necessary to create luminous objects.
Creative Ingenuity
Followers of Icarus are able to create various traps, mainly to hunt monsters, as his father did for King Minos.
Levels 1-30: The Follower with simple objects such as wood and stones can create catapults and cannons with short range but some effectiveness. Produced between an hour or two, being able to build short-range weapons using only these materials.
Levels 31-60: Now he can easily produce metal and with it create more deadly machines like halberds and spear launchers. The equipment produced in minutes is relatively effective, since those that take hours to be made are more effective, and can even create firearms with some systems, in addition to creating golden colored magical barriers that trap medium-sized animals, such as moose, horses and etc.
Levels 61-90: All the equipment that the Follower creates are still reinforced by a magic of durability and resistance, and can be made of any material. And these are produced in a few minutes, and can have varied effects such as more resistance, piercing simpler magic barriers and etc., in addition to being able to create more complex magic barriers, being able to create one in the form of a Hexagon that will trap a simple monster or even the size of a wolf, leaving you trapped in the 7x7 magic dome formed around you.
Levels 91-120: Now with his building magic already improved, he can simply bring out his battle machines and devices. And these are capable of injuring almost anything, being able to create big traps in minutes or even seconds, like creating a huge labyrinth in a forest, full of various traps, creating weapons with the ability to hurt even gods (in small quantities, how to create a dagger that is capable of wounding, not killing, a god). Level 121-150: Can create any type of weapon with a light technopathy, being able to manipulate the weapons with tactile telekinesis within a radius of 2 km, their traps or weapons can have a light magic, such as a weapon that binds monsters with magic nets or something like that, and can even create something absurd like a false bottom trap that has a hole several kilometers deep in seconds.
Black wings
Level 11-45: The follower at this level already manages to create darkness in his wings that deflects the light, being able to absorb small amounts of light with his wings, being able to redirect the light released in the follower for up to 1 turn before falling apart, being able to avoid, for example, blindness.
Level 46-55: The follower is fully capable of absorbing larger amounts of light for up to 1 shift at the most, and can even avoid small projections of light that are towards him and absorb them with darkness, these darkness serve to avoid damage the wings for solar skills.
Level 56-70: Darkness can absorb up to temperature, stopping temperatures of up to 120 degrees Celsius without dissipating, and can even withstand greater solar abilities such as small projections of light in the form of weapons or beams of light (blindness or burning, above that) darkness dissipates).
Level 71-119: Darkness can absorb temperatures of up to 300 degrees Celsius, darkness can stop various strokes of light with 50% efficiency, small projections are no longer effective and now last for 2 rounds.
Level 120-199: Darkness can withstand medium projections of light, being affected only by large amounts of light, more powerful lasers, etc., absorbing 75% of the damage.
Level 200: Absorbs extreme temperatures with darkness now, in addition to being able to bar large projections of light towards you in a redirected way and even withstand blows from the Apollo demigod sun itself, absorbing the light almost entirely with the darkness.
Smoke Handling
Level 1-30: Can manipulate and shape the smoke freely within a radius of 10 x 10 meters, being able to summon mists that limit the field of vision of enemies and so on.
Level 31-55: You can change properties such as smoke temperature, creating hot steam to affect the enemy in the mist, manipulating and creating it within a radius of up to 20x20 meters.
Level 56-75: It reaches hot or very cold temperatures, being able to melt or freeze your opponents with smoke and vapors in general, being able to manipulate it in a radius of up to 30x30 meters.
Level 76-99: Can manipulate within a radius of up to 40x40, now having the ability to transmute into smoke to become intangible and escape enemy blows.
Level 100: Can manipulate within a radius of up to 100x100 meters, and can now even create toxic fumes with the ability to use an infinite variety of poisons available in the mundane world.
Incomprehensible Beauty
Level 300: The follower of Icarus has a beauty on his wings that any living being is unable to fully comprehend, whenever he spreads his wings it will act as a “divine form”, since everyone who sees the Follower's wings will they will become permanently blind and begin to go into a state of madness with their last sight, while their brain tries to process such beauty present in the Perfect Wings, the opponent is totally insane and unable to fight.
Wing Powder
You can release from the flapping of your wings, a black powder that when in contact with your opponent's skin, will cause paralysis in the affected person, preventing opponents from using any mental ability due to damage to the central nervous system, the powder can be canceled with water.
Level 1-30: Lasts 1 round.
Level 31-60: Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 61-90: Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 91-120: Continues for 3 rounds, but now the nervous system takes so much damage that involuntary actions start to stop, making it impossible for the opponent to continue digesting something (also preventing filtration, breaking immunity to poisons and toxins in general ) or breathe and keep your heart beating.
Level 200: The follower of Icarus is able to create an angelic barrier capable of basically nullifying ANY DAMAGE by 75% and damage considered medium / low is totally nullified, this golden barrier lasts only one round and can only be used on allies.
Level 300: The barrier is capable of nullifying ANY DAMAGE by 100%, regardless of the intensity the blow will be blocked by the mystical barrier, which can only be used in case of life or death. OS: Only once per event and the follower will be exhausted.