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Many know the legend of King Arthur, and yet the man who set the legend in motion remains shrouded in mystery. His origins and the source of his power are secrets known only to him. Even its nature is questioned. Is he simply a very adept man of the magical arts? A demon? Or something in between? Whatever the answer, what is undoubted for all who find it is that Arthur's right hand, the great magician Merlin, is a being of immense wisdom and formidable strength.

In the ages of kings at war, where the ruler competed against the ruler and only the strongest rose to rule the land, Merlin promised his skills in service to the great sovereigns as a devastating adviser and battle mage. A collector of secrets and ancient knowledge, Merlin is a master of arcane magic, able to use a myriad of elements and use them at will. He also devoted his mind to the art of prophecy, one day predicting the rise of a ruler destined to rise above all others, and to unite the land under his banner.

When Uther Pendragon fell in battle against the barbarian hordes of the Saxon invaders, Merlin swore an oath of allegiance to his successor, Arthur. From that day on, the wizard never left the wielder on the side of the legendary Excalibur, a tireless advisor, fellow warrior and friend. Together, they brought the rise of Camelot and the unity of a once fractured land. The Saxons were driven out of the distant sea, and the people of the kingdom knew peace, justice and prosperity.

For anyone thinking of crossing Merlin, watch out. Many have tested it, seeking its knowledge, its secrets or the source of its power for themselves. And few, if any, lived to tell their story.

MERLIN's children

Appearance: Merlin's children always have black hair and beautiful light eyes.

Personality: Merlin's children are always wise, possessing a great genius above normal and always perceptive, besides being always fair.


Passive Powers

The Divine Magician

Merlin was the most powerful being in magical terms, easily surpassing other beings related to magic, Merlin's offspring inherit from their father access to the powers of other magic deities.

Level 50-100: Merlin's children have access to Iffrit's Demonic magic.

Level 101-150: Merlin's children have access to Odin's Runic magic.

Level 151-200: Merlin's children have access to Samhain's Abyssal magic

Level 201-250: It gains access to all the spells of the other RPG gods (spells such as black magic, chaos magic, necromancy, etc.).

Mystical Absorption of Magic

Level 1-50: Merlin's children have the ability to absorb the mystical energy present in the air and attacks by other magic users, strengthening their abilities and disabling the abilities of their opponents, including constructs made of magical energy (Skill shot ).

Level 51-100: Merlin's children are now able to absorb mystical abilities, as well as magical attacks and abilities for themselves, rendering these completely useless.

Level 101-150: Means blood in relation to magic or magic user end up feeling weaker in the face of these offspring, as their mystical energies are constantly drained by the offspring.


Level 50: Merlin's children have a mystical defense present in their body, where whenever they are affected by skills or powers that seek to directly affect their body, this defense mechanism automatically activates by having it launched again against your caster.

Ps: 3 times per event and saga.

Being Mystic

Level 1: Merlin's children as well as their father inherited mystical independence from their father, where he does not need external sources to use his magical powers and abilities, having his body full of magical energy, so he does not need use magic from sources like nature or mystical objects for example. Being able to use their magic even in places where there is no magic, or magic cannot be used.

Mystical Regeneration

Merlin's children thanks to their mystical physiology have an excellent healing factor.

Level 1-10: Can regenerate from simple cuts and minor body damage.

Level 11-25: It can heal from larger and deeper cuts by being able to heal from mental aneurysms and more extensive damage to the body.

Level 26-35: Can regenerate from burns, bleeds and perforations in the body.

Level 36-50: Can recover from loss of small parts of the body such as loss of eyes, ears, fingers, etc., managing to recover from various physical damages quickly.

Level 51-99: Can recover from internal damage and even mental damage (not all); managing to regenerate organs and parts of the body, even healing certain damage to DNA and the brain.

Level 100-150: Can heal from spiritual damage as it takes a long time to heal completely.

Mystic Sensor

Thanks to their strong control over magic, Merlin's children have a strong mystical sensor similar to a sixth sense but better.

Level 1-10: Merlin's children can feel presences, energy and intentions knowing how to distinguish them between good and bad perfectly.

Level 11-25: Merlin's children can now sense when their companions' lives or yours are in danger.

Level 26-35: You can now feel when your opponents are under some form of control, whether mental, physical or spiritual.

Level 36-50: Merlin's children can now feel when their opponents have used some skill, but they cannot define what it will be.

Level 51-99: Merlin's children can now know when they are in danger but not only that, but they also know what type of attack they are.

Level 100-150: The sensor is able to alert you to the danger in advance, allowing it to react many times before it happens.

Latera eiusdem monetæ

Arthur and Merlin are commonly seen as the two sides of the same coin, both in constant struggle for each other's interests. Therefore, when in the same event with a son of the great wizard, Arthur's son and he will share special abilities if both are fighting for the same cause.

Level 01-10: The link between Pendragon and the magician is such that both share a psychic connection, so that they can thus understand each other's plans and fight together.

Level 11-25: In order to save his companion, the Mage's son will be able to feel the presence of Arthur's son wherever he is and thus perform an arcane translocation to wherever he is and thus help him. If Merlin's son himself is not in an alarming state, he can be "pulled" to Arthur's son and thus be saved from danger.

Level 26-35: From here, the young knight will have his energy in terms of stamina increased by fifty percent more than he normally has, thus allowing him to stay longer on the battlefield or facing adversity, the same happens with the Merlin's children.

Level 36-50: The magician's Disciple will in turn passively supply more magical energy to Arthur's son, thus enabling his few spells that have been taught to Pendragon's lineage.

Level 51-99: Arthur's regenerative capacity that refers to the sacred scabbard of the sword comes from becomes even greater, rising up to a degree of intensity in the presence of the magician's disciple, just as the Magus' son will have his regenerative power improved too.

Level 100-150: When in the presence of one of Merlin's disciples and sharing the battlefield with him, Arthur's son in turn will have the effectiveness and power of his duplicated actions, the same for Merlin's children.

Level 151-200: If the knight meets his end in an event, his soul will still be tied to that of the disciple, and may possess the body of a dead enemy or even that of an ally, until finally he returns in his full capabilities to his body .

Note: This exhaust valve only works once per event and is only effective in case of death, not blackout. It takes his body three rounds to return with his soul inside, until then, if the disciple perishes Arthur's son will have the same fate.

Level 201-250: At this level, after being erased from existence, a tiny bit of your being will still remain with the wizard who is fighting with you, enabling you to return to this world after five rounds.

Note: Returning from erasing using this method can only be done once per event. If Arthur's son tries to return, he will be able to do so in the third round, but he will return without power or even be able to summon his swords until the deadline for the remaining scenes is met.

Level 251-300: Your stamina, speed, strength, energy, consciousness and magic power will be higher than normal, reaching triple your common abilities and with great effort, becoming a true warrior capable of delivering the most powerful blows without even hesitating. Just as the magical power of the children of Merlin is also elevated.

Magic Consciousness

A magical power derived from multiple sensory powers together in one, the user becomes a sensory machine capable of subduing even deities focused on it, having one of the best sensory capabilities in the whole RPG.

Level 1-10: Your sensory powers have an initial but high level, allowing the Wizard to have a Detection of Conditions, can feel magical influences, living and non-living beings, hormones and even see and feel the spiritual world, having the ability to see invisible beings, in infrared and x-ray, having a range of up to 100 meters around its epicenter.

Level 11-25: Your hyper senses are higher, allowing your range to extend to 200 meters, being able to acquire a better understanding of what you are seeing the Magician can see in 360 ° in this range, being able to feel divine influences and see blows on camera slow at a rate of 50%, your mind gains hyper processing to be able to process various information simultaneously.

Level 26-35: Your general abilities allow you to create a non-personal time zone, allowing you to mentally transform a certain period of time into a shorter time mentally, giving the Mage time to think about defenses freely, being able to defend themselves from faster blows than himself, being able to feel deformations in the fabric of space-time nearby, the Mage can even feel the deformation of the air in a radius of 300 meters around.

Level 36-50: The Mage is close to his summit, being able to feel deformations in reality and dimensional influences such as teleports, energies, portals and even knowing where they went (portals and teleports), being able to feel influences at the atomic level being able to know if their atoms are being manipulated or if the environment in general is being deformed in some way and feel the aura of their allies and enemies, increasing their range up to 400 meters away from their epicenter.

Level 51-99: Your powers allow you to have a range of up to 500 km allowing you to see on a subatomic scale all your senses are raised to the maximum. his non-personal time zone allows him to spend hours in a few seconds, being able to fully analyze a scenario in what appears to be just a second, being able to know exactly how each opponent's power works from the moment he sees it, and can even feel even bodily variations and movement of waves over space, you can even feel the flow of time moving, being able to predict it with some difficulty, the magician absorbing the energies of the environment to be able to predict a result, being able to feel such influence on a global scale, can even knowing whether a blow will break your resistance or not.

Level 100-150: Can even feel brain waves. Its magical energy connects to the environment with its perception elevated to the extreme level, it can feel anything on state scales, it can even feel the "lines" of energy that flow through any form of matter and energy.

Level 151-200: His perception is able to reach up to 600 meters if he concentrates, increasing all his previous capacities to extreme levels, the Mage no longer needs such concentration to be able to see the possibilities of the future, being able to predict the future until even of beings that do not allow such an easy feat, being able to see a different measure of “Time”.


The Magic Itself

Level 1: The Merlinian Descendant embodies the very concept of magic, naturally channeling the magical energy around him without having to concentrate performing it in a passive way, being able to decrease the magical capacity of other Magicians while in his presence and increase his own. The Merlinian Descendant directly accesses Magic itself, having its body filled with a great magical charge reaching a great level. You can use magic feats even in places where the spell is countered or does not exist.


Active Powers

Advanced Mistyokinesis

Merlin was also portrayed as a great sorcerer, having knowledge of almost or if not all types and forms of existing spells. That is why these offspring inherited from their father the ability to not only use these existing spells but also to create them.

Level 1-10: Initially it can only create simple spells with quick and non-lasting effects. Like a jet of water, a fireball, etc.

Level 11-25: You are now able to create spells a little longer lasting like orbs that stay in the air performing a proper function for example.

Level 26-35: You can now create spells with better perfection, such as spells to imprison or restrict the movements of your victims for example.

Level 36-50: You can now create spells that are capable of altering the reality around you.

Level 51-99: They already demonstrate the ability to use existing spells from other gods of magic.

Level 100-150: You are already able to create any type of spells, being masters at it.

Druid Magic

Merlin had a strong relationship with nature, being able to use this magic for various purposes, something that his offspring also inherited, having great dominion over the forces of nature.

Level 1-20: Initially, Merlin's offspring demonstrate a great energetic sensitivity, being able to feel other forms and types of magic and energy freely, acquiring dowsing, which also allows them to locate things, hidden places, to follow the movements of their victims through his vital energies (which end up leaving a mystical trail), he can also follow the movements of the ley lines. They are also able to change their shape by being able to transform into other people or animals.

Level 21-40: Already at this level, Merlin's children acquire access to conjuration and are now able to create circles made of their magical energy to summon creatures, animals and other beings (like other blood means), but not limited to just that because the offspring can also summon other beings stronger than themselves (but they must want to appear otherwise it will not work); these mystical circles, also serve to banish other beings, to other places. They also acquire at this level access to abjuration a form of healing magic that allows the children of Merlin not only to heal but also a form of magic used for defenses, being able to create barriers and force fields, both physical / astral and mental, managing to create constructs made of his magical energy like armor full of enchantments, also managing to reflect powers (skill shot) against his opponents. They will have great healing powers managing to heal the wounds of their companions as well as their wounds will also be healed and regenerated (in a passive way) being this physical and spiritual healing and among other abilities granted by abjuration. They also gain access to reinforcement magic.

Level 41-60: Merlin's children acquire a form of guessing through mystical letters that they can invoke whenever they wish, these letters allow them to see the future, the past and even return to past events if they prefer but are unable to interfere or change them. The offspring at this level acquire a somewhat exotic ability, managing to create mystical potions imbued with their own magical power that allows the magician to create things that serve for offensive, defensive and support purposes seeking to help their companions to the maximum and harm their opponents, creating poisons , antidotes, medicines, cures and even portions able to grant improvements in the capacities of its companions (for 2 rounds, without exaggeration).

Level 61-80: Merlin's offspring now demonstrate access to sacrificial magic, a form of rather dangerous and quite demanding magic as it provides support to the wizard through sacrifices and is one of the forms of magic most likely to help the wizard since the bigger and rarer the offering the more power the magician can gain. Generally these magicians usually offer their sacrifices to a superior being in search of obtaining power, acquiring power over the sacrifice, managing to perform ceremonies and rituals for this perfectly with ritual magic.

Level 81-100: At their peak, Merlin's wizards gain full access to the drained magic, having their connection with nature extremely strengthened, managing at this level to channel elementary forces to practically various means, from elemental control, elemental healings, absorb powers elemental and even interfere with the elemental control of other beings if you prefer. Also gaining access to the magic of nature that guarantees you control over the physical forces of the natural world, such as gravity magic, disease magic, elemental magic, also over fauna and flora and finally, you can also control the climate around you.

Anti magic

Merlin had also demonstrated great knowledge and anti-magic abilities, perfectly mastering this type of magic, something that his offspring also inherited.

Level 1-20: Initially, Merlin's offspring are able to create weapons made of their own anti magic that are able to counter energy attacks (skill shot), as well as effects or magical spells of other beings on their body.

Level 21-40: Offspring can now negate and deny magical abilities such as spells, curses and enchantments. (Without the need for weapons created on the first level)

Level 41-60: You are now able to negate and deny the target spell itself by preventing them from using any type or form of magic.

Level 61-80: Merlin's children are able to affect the territory itself by preventing other beings from using any type of magic or form of it regardless of the derivation.

Level 81-100: Gain access to anti-energy control, now managing to deny not only magic but other forms of energy.

Black magic

Like Merlin, these offspring will have great abilities over the black arts, managing to make the most of black magic.

Level 1-30: The children of Merlin initially awakened some magical abilities, such as the ability to move objects and bodies through their hands, and may also cause pressure by having dominion over telekinesis, also having telepathy being able to read thoughts, talk mentally, control minds and among other abilities. Merlin's children can also teleport to other places as long as they know the exact location.

Level 31-60: Merlin's wizards are now able to possess other beings once they manage to maintain a 5-second eye contact, and can now also have access to illusory magic being able to create powerful illusions capable of distorting their own reality to affect your targets, managing to control, generate and shape illusions perfectly.

Level 61-90: The children of Merlin already demonstrate great perception, now being able to interact and perceive the spiritual plane, even to acquire information through the beings that inhabit it, also possessing psychometry that allows them to acquire information by touching something, for example when touching a warrior's helmet, find out what he is doing at this very moment for example. Also having access to Blood magic.

Level 91-120: Merlin's children now acquire control over curses and can create these curses with complete ease and also have great mastery over necromancy allowing the same great powers.

Level 121-150: At their peak over the control of the black arts, Merlin's children gain access to the magic of death and life.

Level 151-180: Merlin's children now gain access to destructive magic, managing to enchant their energy-derived attacks with this magic, allowing them to disintegrate their opponents with any of their attacks, and also with physical touch to destroy their victims at the atomic level. .

White magic

Merlin's children gain access to white magic by having full control over the white arts.

Level 50-100: Initially the children of Merlin have strong mystical protections granted by white magic, which prevent it from being possessed by other beings, as well as guaranteeing a soul and a resistant body. Now being able to read auras easily, he can also control blessings by being able to freely grant them to his companions. In addition to being able to control the light at their leisure, these offspring are also able to access the purification magic by acquiring the ability to undo darkness and shadows of beings below their level as well as to undo possessions and mental controls or any type of control that someone has over another being, managing to destroy impurities as well as heal the soul of anything bad that is afflicting him and etc.

Level 101-150: He gains access to divine magic by becoming a powerful wizard of white magic, also managing to create completely sealed places, where he deprives certain beings or things from entering, interfering or gauging as long as he is inferior to Merlin's son , managing to create a sacred place where evil beings cannot enter for example. Having this control over the sacred energy.

Level 151-200: At their peak, these offspring gain access to restoration magic, managing to restore materials that have been disintegrated or destroyed atomically (recreating bodies only 2 times per event or saga), also not being able to recreate existences. Being able to revive only 2 people per event or saga. At this level, it acquires total control over white arts / white magic.

Cosmic Magic

Merlin's children, descended from the greatest magician of all, also inherit access to cosmic magic, easily mastering it.

Level 50-100: Merlin's children basically control cosmic magic by having access to cosmos magic, managing to control cosmokinesis on a small scale, as well as using cosmic energy to expand their physical and muscular abilities to higher levels.

Level 101-150: Merlin's children have a moderate mastery of cosmic magic, managing to control cosmokinesis on a medium scale.

Level 151-200: Merlin's children dominate cosmic magic on a large scale, managing to control cosmokinesis on a large scale.

Level 201-250: Merlin's children master cosmic magic perfectly, managing to control cosmokinesis on a perfect scale.

Level 251-300: Merlin's children completely dominate cosmic magic and all its abilities, being a master at using it.

Space Magic

Merlin's children acquire access to one of the rarest forms of magic available, this being space magic, while allowing countless feats, including manipulating the space around them at varying levels.

Level 100-150: Small-scale space magic dominates. Having basic control over spatial manipulation.

Level 151-200: They dominate space magic on a medium scale. Having average control over spatial manipulation.

Level 201-250: Mastering space magic on a grand scale. Having great control over spatial manipulation.

Level 251-300: Master space magic on a perfect scale. Having perfect control over spatial manipulation.

Chaos Magic

One of the things that made him so powerful in his domain with magic was the fact that he mastered not only all spells but also chaos magic, something that his offspring also inherited.


Level 200: The offspring acquire control over the Chaos magic, which allows it to control reality and change it through probabilities, also managing to manipulate chaos and conflict in their most experienced states and also to control, generate and shape the energy of chaos, also managing to create and cast the most diverse types of spells, and through this magic, the offspring do not need to pronounce such spells, managing to perform them just thinking about them.

Order Magic

Being the one who has mastered all forms and types of magic this magician also has access to order magic, as well as his offspring.

Level 300: Merlin's children with access to order magic can create, shape and manipulate order on a literal, symbolic and physical level. They are able to recognize, discern, visualize and understand patterns and structures of any physical, social, mental or natural nature and to know their weaknesses, strengths and all other information and how to use them to achieve the desired goal.

Ps: 3 times per event or saga. Because it is a type of powerful magic it consumes large amounts of energy so it should not be used often, nor does it usually affect beings much more powerful than these offspring.

Mystic Staff

Merlin's children as well as their father have a beautiful staff made of divine material, with great magical powers.

Level 1-10: Initially they are able to locate the movements of their victims, being able to see the mystical trail they leave while moving, no matter how fast they are.

Level 11-25: They are already able to absorb the vital and mystical energy of the living beings around them.

Level 26-35: By lifting the staff in the direction of its victim, they can paralyze it completely, as if invisible chains imprison it.

Level 36-50: The staff can now feel any kind of change in the places where it is (even changes in reality), through the ley lines that surround the interior of the planet where it lives.

Level 51-99: You can already absorb mystical energy from the ley lines, to increase your own magic power during combat (or to help you when you can't access your own magic energy in any way)

Level 100-150: They are now able to control their opponents' spells and forms of spells and magical attacks, even though they have perfect control of them. Merlin's son only needs to realize and he can control his opponent's magical powers better than they can (less absolute powers).

Supreme Mage Form

When the offspring is transformed, she will acquire very pale skin, her eyes will glow green and her hair will become a platinum blonde. She will be dressed in dark robes with a green hooded cape with golden details. A stick will appear in your hands, emanating a green energy that will also come from the hands of the offspring. Three shiny orbs like mini-stars will float around the offspring. Accessing the form of the supreme magician, the children of Merlin reach the full potential of their magic acquiring absolute control over all forms and types of spells, being able to cancel any form or type of magic even derived (such as curses) ) of other blood means with power similar or inferior to yours, they also have access to the ley lines, managing to manipulate them at their pleasure.

Level 180-200: Lasts 2 rounds.

Level 201-220: Lasts 3 rounds.

Level 221-240: Lasts 4 rounds.

Level 241-260: Lasts 5 rounds.

Ps: 10 rounds cooldown after use.


Cajado do Sábio

Este cajado (item de médio porte) é uma obra-prima entalhada em madeira de carvalho, adornada com runas antigas entrelaçadas em espirais douradas que brilham suavemente quando a magia é invocada. Na base, uma gema resplandecente em tons de azul profundo é incrustada, emanando uma aura de conhecimento ancestral. A resistência do artefato é planetária, tendo a capacidade de replicar qualquer manifestação mágica (até nível absoluto) que o usuário tenha visto em algum momento, desde que o usuário estivesse com o cajado em mãos no momento em tal manifestação surgiu, mas podendo utilizar a manifestação mágica por até duas semanas (em off) após o momento em que a viu. Entretanto, é incapaz de replicar a potência, dado o fato de que isso depende do pdoer do próprio usuário.


Coruja Merliana

Merlin era representado tendo uma coruja como mascote, e devido a isso, os descendentes dessa figura lendária acaba conseguiddo a posse de uma coruja de capacidades mágicas extremas.

Nível 01-50: Inicialmente a coruja é capaz de enxergar em condições de pouca luz, podendo voar em velocidades de mach 20. Além disso, ela possui uma inteligência comparável ao de um humano adulto, assim como pode enviar mensagens telepaticamente simples para seu semideus dono.

Nível 51-100: Sua coruja passa a poder voar em velocidades de até 30 mach, assim como se torna capaz de falar como um humano comum, assim como desperta capacidades mágicas, o que lhe permite utilizar a magia ilusória de nível raso (ilusionismo), entretanto, apenas um por rodada. Os poderes da coruaja como um todo possuem velocidade de ataque de mach 10.

Nível 101-150: Sua coruja passa a poder voar em velocidades de até 40 mach, com os poderes da coruja comoum todo tendo velocidade de ataque de mach 20. Passa a poder utilizar até duas manifestações mágicas por rodada.

Nível 151-200: Sua coruja passa a poder voar em velocidades de até 50 mach, com os poderes da coruja comoum todo tendo velocidade de ataque de mach 30.

Nível 201-250: Sua coruja passa a poder voar em velocidades de até 60 mach, com os poderes da coruja comoum todo tendo velocidade de ataque de mach 40. Agora a sua coruja passa a ser capaz de acessar as manifestações rasas da magia elemental.

Nível 251-300: Sua coruja passa a poder voar em velocidades de até 80 mach, com os poderes da coruja comoum todo tendo velocidade de ataque de mach 60. Agora a sua coruja passa a ser capaz de acessar as manifestações rasas da magia de abjuração.

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