Greek goddess of luck, chance, happiness and prosperity, she is the daughter, according to some, of Oceano and Tethys, making her one of the Oceanis. However, some put her as Zeus' only daughter and others still have her as Hermes and Aphrodite as parents. By the Romans, it is called Fortuna. Its symbols are the wheel and the rudder, which move towards uncertain destinations, the cornucopia, the horn of the Amaltéia goat that represented abundance, which she carried in her hands, and the ball, which exemplified the danger of luck: sometimes it is on top, just as it can come (and sometime will come) down.
She claimed to have been taught by Moiras, the weavers of destiny, together with Nemesis, goddess of balance. Sometimes she was represented blindfolded showing that the gifts she gave were received at random, by just or unjust people, workers or not. With that, Nemesis was always by his side, to take from those who received a lot or to give to those who earned nothing.
It was said that whenever the cause of tragedies was not discovered, this could be attributed to Tique.
Appearance: Captivating and charismatic, and very beautiful. They are usually light and have very straight brown hair. The eyes are mostly light gray, however some of them may come with blue or light green eyes. They are very colorful, and have well-defined bodies, but they do not take away the gentle air.
Personality: Extremely authentic, since they never go through the minds of other campers and usually do activities safely, knowing what they are really doing. They are clear and objective and have their own opinion. Some can be arrogant with the simplest demigods, since they do not allow themselves to be manipulated by ideas.
Passive Powers
Positive Mind
Level 1-10: No matter where or in what situation the offspring is, she will always feel calm and optimistic, even in bad and sad times she will not lose her temper or reason and remain optimistic until the end.
Level 11-25: A resistance to psychic controls that seek to manipulate your feelings and emotions, becoming almost a little resistant to them.
Level 26-35: Even if it affects her, she will still be able to choose whether she will feel as said or not, being in control of her own mind. Your resistance is now almost an immunity
Hazard Sensor
Tique's offspring are very fortunate, which allows them to naturally have a danger alert. Whenever the offspring is attacked or affected by an attack or skill, your danger sensor will alert your brain through a tingling in the mind. Upon sensing this alert the offspring will automatically be on the alert seeking to deflect or defend themselves from the ability.
Level 1-10: The offspring perceives physical blows coming towards them, at a speed of up to 400 km / h.
Level 11-25: Perceives blows and physical skills at a speed of 700 km / h.
Level 26-35: Perceives skills, powers and physical blows at speeds up to 1000 km / h.
Level 36-50: Perceive skills of any modality up to 1300 km / h.
Level 51-99: Perceives skills of any modality up to 1500 km / h.
Level 100-150: Understand skills of any modality up to 1800 km / h.
Ps: Even though the offspring perceive the danger, the offspring still won't know how to define, where (their sensor will be stronger when it is in the place where the danger comes, or will come), when, and how that danger will come. Since the offspring cannot see the spiritual plane, the offspring will not be able to define how the attack will come.
Superhuman Speed
Because their bodies are very light, these offspring can reach great speeds during combat.
Level 1-10: You will be able to run at 600 km / h. Can jump up to 15 meters.
Level 11-25: You will be able to run at 1200 km / h. Can jump up to 25 meters.
Level 26-35: You will be able to run at 1800 km / h. Can jump up to 35 meters.
Level 36-50: You will be able to run at 2500 km / h. Can jump up to 45 meters.
Level 51-99: You will be able to run at 3,100 km / h. Can jump up to 55 meters.
Level 100-150: You will be able to run at 3,700 km / h. Can jump up to 65 meters.
Level 151-200: You will be able to run at 4,300 km / h. Can jump up to 75 meters.
Ps: While running for more than one round, if you try harder than normal, you can increase your speed 50 km / h more.
Probability Manipulation
Tique was considered the goddess of luck for the Greeks so these offspring are quite enviable, one of their many abilities is the manipulation of probability. Tic's offspring has the ability to subliminal and psionically initiate random kinetic phenomena that affect the probability in their favor, causing unlikely (but not impossible) things to happen within their line of sight, making them "good luck" and your opponents are "unlucky". This phenomenon can be anything from the failure of an enemy's equipment to hitting the correct switch with a missed shot to disable an overloaded nuclear reactor.
Level 30: This effect constantly emanates from your body at all times and is completely subconscious (passive, always active). However, it is also largely participatory - for luck to take effect, the offspring must engage in an action whose chance it may affect. She cannot consciously control her ability. It will only work positively when, putting itself in a position where it could be harmed. For example, if debris falling from the sky were about to hit her on the head, she would still be hurt if she stood still. However, if she tried to avoid them, she would move perfectly to prevent each piece from reaching her. Furthermore, if the offspring were to stand before a shower of bullets, it would be a corpse full of bullets. Instead, it must act; in an attempt to avoid the shooting, she will miraculously swing and weave just to the right to avoid each shot.
Just Luck
Level 1: Since your mother is a deity who rules fortune, your offspring are then blessed with good luck in their day to day. Receiving double drachma on missions.
Different Metabolism
Level 1-10: The offspring's body will be very flexible and agile allowing them to move more easily.
Level 11-25: Your body will now show great lightness in your body, allowing your offspring to jump higher than normal, in addition to moving more easily, imposing much less pressure than normal on your body.
Level 26-35: Your body will have a malleability, which will make it slippery. Making your enemies unable to grab you easily.
Level 36-50: Your body will now be able to move easily, barely imposing any muscle pressure, being able to stop your strokes before they take place, or run at great speeds and stop instantly as if you weren't even running too much.
Level 51-99: Your body regains vigor and energy faster than other demigods. So hardly getting tired.
Active Powers
Animal Luck
Tique's offspring will never be attacked by animals, once they see you they will simply start to protect you, for no specific reason, beyond their own luck. During her battles she may call on these animals or summon them, through screams of fear, dread or even when her life is in danger.
Level 1-10: Works only with certain domestic animals such as dogs, cats, parrots, etc.
Level 11-25: Will work with insects such as arachnids, bees, ants, etc.
Level 26-35: Will work with wild animals such as lions, tigers and animals below them.
Level 36-50: Now works with wild animals like wolves, coyotes, jackals and jaguars.
Level 51-99: Will work with bigger and smarter animals like monkeys, gorillas, etc.
Level 100-150: Works with ancient animals such as dinosaurs, saber-toothed tigers, etc.
Scarlet Sickle
Tic's offspring are capable of summoning a huge scarlet sickle. Its blade will have a reddish glow that affects its victims when injured.
Level 1-10: The scythe has iron-like resistance.
Level 11-25: The scythe has a resistance similar to steel. The sickle provides the offspring with an improvement in their movements with the sickle, allowing them to move naturally faster as if they were not afraid of danger.
Level 26-35: The sickle has resistance similar to Titanium. The sickle awakens the ability to slow down your opponents with each hit. The victim will not be able to perceive until it has happened, because it happens in the middle of combat.
Level 36-50: The scythe has a similar resistance to diamond. The scythe will now be able to suck your opponents' energy with each hit, making them get married faster. This energy is transferred to the offspring in the form of agility, vigor and speed, thus managing to face their enemies for longer.
Level 51-99: The scythe has resistance similar to adamantium. The scythe will now be able to decrease the physical sensitivity of your opponents and barriers / protections to a point where you can easily break them.
Level 100-150: The sickle has resistance similar to vibranium. Now reaching the peak of his scythe's power. Allowing the offspring now to perform abnormal and impossible movements for any being to perform, even beings who have maximum skill with scythes could not perform. The scythe at this level acquires the ability to unconsciously control the body of the offspring, allowing them to fight in their combats and still think calmly about what they will do next.
Ps: The scythe will control the movements of the offspring, moving her body in making each movement that can be lethal if it does not defend itself correctly.
The Tic Radar
The offspring of the lucky goddess have an extremely improved aim, managing to hit their targets easily. Never making mistakes under any circumstances.
Level 1-10: The offspring creates a kind of radar up to 5 km with the offspring as the epicenter (reaching up to 50 meters in altitude). Inside that dome, anyone inside it will be on the offspring's radar, who can attack you even with your eyes closed or without your 5 senses and still hit you.
Level 11-25: The dome will reach up to 10 km (reaching up to 100 meters in altitude).
Level 26-35: The dome will reach up to 20 km (reaching up to 200 meters in altitude).
Level 36-50: The dome will reach up to 30 km (reaching up to 300 meters in altitude).
Level 51-99: The dome will reach up to 40 km (reaching up to 400 meters in altitude).
Level 100-150: The dome will reach up to 50 km (reaching up to 500 meters in altitude).
Level 151-200: The dome will reach up to 60 km (reaching up to 600 meters in altitude).
Ps: The offspring will never miss, their targets (as long as they are on the radar). If they are not yet offspring they still have a 90% chance of hitting their victims.
Level 1-20: Upon perceiving a physical blow, the offspring can increase the speed and strength of the wind if necessary to make their opponent miss his blow. (Only if perceived)
Level 21-40: The offspring will now be able to dodge attacks derived from any form of energy. When perceived to be able to use create a kind of wind pipe that will guide the energy attack in another direction, avoiding being attacked.
Level 41-60: You will be able to prevent certain types of skills that need a kind of condition to perform it. For example, to activate a skill the opponent needs to raise his hands. Soon, something will happen (can be described by the player) and thus prevent him from achieving the ability.
Ps: It can be any skill or power.
Level 61-80: Seconds before the offspring receives any type of attack or damage derived from any ability or power, the character can activate this power, which will quickly cause it to be deflected by someone else (anyone within 50 meters). If the victim who is affected has immunity it will not change anything, but the offspring will have escaped power. (3 times per event or saga)
Level 81-100: The offspring will now be able to prevent any attack or ability from being performed. No matter the attack or skill in an inexplicable way it will simply make the attack or be deflected, prevented or even stopped by climatic, astrological, natural events, abnormal events (which have no meaning and no explanation) and etc. (the player must explain in detail what happened, for the skill to work).
Ps: 3 times per event or saga.
Natural causes
Level 50: It was believed that when natural events happened in a strange and mysterious way, they thought they were the tic goddess causing these events. Thus, Tique's offspring will have the ability to cause natural events (diseases, viruses, awakening from volcanoes, frosts, tsunamis, earthquakes, etc.) in their battles according to the scenario they are in (if they are on a beach, they can cause a tsunami , a drought, a water freeze, etc.).
Azarenta Area
The offspring will be able to materialize its own energy and to disperse it in small invisible particles that it is a matter of seconds will affect a certain area, inducing a huge chance in its victims (making any type of abnormal, natural and bizarre event happen), and transferring the luck of each for the offspring of Tique, who will be totally protected, never being affected in any way, even by natural events (such as diseases, viruses and etc.). It will simply be able to avoid, totally distorting the existing laws in that particular area so that it can avoid, survive or even overcome an obstacle.
Level 30-60: Lasts 3 rounds, and affects an entire city.
Level 61-90: Lasts 4 rounds, and affects an entire region.
Level 91-120: Lasts 5 rounds, and affects an entire state.
Level 121-150: Lasts 6 rounds, and affects an entire country.
Ps: 2 times per event or saga. You need to wait 5 rounds to be able to use it again.
Desire or Need
Level15: Tique's offspring when in a moment of need or desire, will be able to materialize something before their eyes. Even if this is not normal in the scenario where you are.
Ps: Nothing of divine origin
Black Chains
Tique's offspring is capable of projecting chains that are attached to his wrists and allows him to fight against his opponents. Being able to manipulate them freely, as well as increase or decrease their length. These chains when they cling to something they suck the victim's energy and thus increase the pressure of the chains.
Level 1-10: Chains have a resistance similar to iron.
Level 11-25: Chains have a resistance similar to steel.
Level 26-35: Chains have a resistance similar to titanium.
Level 36-50: The chains have a diamond-like resistance.
Level 51-99: The chains have a resistance similar to adamantium.
Level 100-150: The chains have a resistance similar to vibranium.
Black Clover
Tic's offspring may project a black shamrock, similar to the lucky shamrock, into his hand, but this has the opposite effect. It prevents all of your attacks and abilities from working as intended, affecting your allies instead of your enemies who will have no immunity or protection to protect them. For bad luck will be present for the bearer of the black clover.
Level 1-10: Lasts 1 round.
Level 11-25: Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 26-35: Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 36-50: Lasts 4 rounds.
Level 51-99: Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 100-150: Lasts 6 rounds.
PS: 3 times per event or saga.
Lucky clover
The offspring of Tique may materialize a 4-leaf clover which he can offer to his allies or if he wishes to use it. This clover has the ability for its attacks and abilities to always work regardless of protections / resistances and immunities.
Level 1-10: Lasts one round.
Level 11-25: Lasts two rounds.
Level 26-35: Lasts three rounds.
Level 36-50: Lasts four rounds.
Level 51-99: Lasts five rounds.
Level 100-150: Lasts six rounds.
3 times per event or saga.
Luck is on my side
Level 100: Tique's offspring when faced with a situation from which they cannot escape, they can activate this ability which will allow them to ask for a wish. And then that same desire will come true (You cannot ask for something impossible, you need to be within the possible).
Ps: Once per event or saga.
Monetary Manipulation
As children of the goddess of fortune, these offspring, in addition to always finding any form of money, they awaken some skills related to fortune.
Level 1-20: It is initially able to create, manipulate and shape coins and money notes, as desired.
Level 21-40: She now learns to create, generate and manipulate precious stones at will.
Level 41-60: Learn how to create, control and shape gold, silver, bronze and platinum as you wish.
Level 61-80: Acquires the ability to create and manipulate the diamond at will.
Level 81-100: At its peak, Tique's offspring learn to manipulate any form of money, or things of high monetary value. Like oil, rare metals like adamantium and vibranium and among other things of high financial value.
Tique's offspring is able to create clones of herself and everything she wants, through touch.
Level 1-10: Offspring can create up to 5 duplicates / clones.
Level 11-25: Offspring can create up to 15 duplicates / clones.
Level 26-35: Offspring can create up to 25 duplicates / clones.
Level 36-50: Offspring can create up to 35 duplicates / clones.
Level 51-99: Offspring can create up to 45 duplicates / clones.
Level 100-150: Offspring can create up to 55 duplicates / clones.
Level 151-200: Learn to create up to 100 duplicates / clones.
Possibility Induction
Tique's offspring when reaching this level will be able to materialize a transparent dome having this as the epicenter. Within that dome, the offspring will be able to make everything that is said impossible to be accomplished or achieved possible, ignoring the concepts of probability, causality and anything else that suggests what they want, what cannot happen.
Level 100-150: The dome is up to 100 meters. It lasts one round.
Level 151-200: The dome is up to 200 meters. It lasts two rounds.
Level 201-250: The dome is up to 300 meters. It lasts three rounds.
Level 251-300: The dome is up to 400 meters. It lasts four rounds.
2 times per event or saga.
Induction of Impossibility
Tique's offspring when reaching this level will be able to materialize a transparent dome having it as the epicenter. Within this dome the offspring can make everything possible impossible. Essentially making sure they don't happen. They can use this ability for a variety of effects on themselves, others, and their surroundings. The user can change the course of the destination simply by preventing things from happening.
Level 100-150: The dome is up to 100 meters. It lasts one round.
Level 151-200: The dome is up to 200 meters. It lasts two rounds.
Level 201-250: The dome is up to 300 meters. It lasts three rounds.
Level 251-300: The dome is up to 400 meters. It lasts four rounds.
2 times per event or saga.
Lucky Scythe
A black-handled scythe, painted in gold, the light and sharp blade curved to the floor, the beds are red and the movements are always effective due to the aura of luck, which is only active in the demigod
Chance Lenses
When it comes in contact with the eye, it turns red, and up to 4 times per mission, the target has an unusual and lethal chance.
Storm Horse
Level 20 - Has the ability to hide its owner from whomever he wishes, unless the owner wants someone to see him, so it will be, the effect only lasts while he is on the horse. {The effect lasts for half an hour and can be used 9 times a day} [Does not mean that it is intangible]
Level 30 - With a kick of the horse the enemy will take 500 volts of electric energy in his body making him pass out or in some cases go into a coma
Level 40 - The horse will be able to envelop its body of electricity and launch a burst of thunder in the direction of the enemy, according to the owner's desire.
Level 50 - Several clones of you and the horse can be made, like volts dividing, in this you can have an army, but to multiply you will need a source of energy.